Comments on: LUSHAI HILLS KHUA LEH TUI AN NI LO wateva........ Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:55:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khuangpu Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:42:37 +0000 Lo awm ve mai mai teh se a. Siamthat theih tawh loh thil ani tawh. A pawi tih bak tih theih a awm tawh tlat lo.

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By: H.Vangchhia Sun, 01 Dec 2013 03:18:21 +0000 Mizoram an rawn hnaih tanna ni a lang chu an lal, Harish Chandra khan British ho Lushai Expedition neihlai khan alo puih atang khan niin a lang. A hote mi 600 lai pein British ho kha a pui a, lawmna entirnan title, “Roy Bahadur” an pe nghe nghe a ni. Chumi hnu chuan a lal ram pawh Raja Nagar atangin Mizoram lam Rangamati-ah a sawn phah ta nghe nghe a nih kha.

Raja HARISH CHANDRA Roy Bahadur, Chakma Raja 1874/1885; born 1841, he transferred his capital from Raja Nagar of Rangunia to Rangamati in 1874; he was granted the title of Roy Bahadur by the British, having rendered good service in the Lushai Expedition of 1871-72, by supplying coolies, boats, etc.; married and had issue. He died 1885.

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By: H.Vangchhia Sun, 01 Dec 2013 03:10:23 +0000 A pawi hi ka ti vawng vawng thin asin. Tah hian Takam ho an rawn tang kawh khawp mai hairehai :P

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By: Sihtea Fri, 29 Nov 2013 15:08:35 +0000 Mizo te hi zawng kan lo mawl fal bik em a tin a ni. Leh kha kan thiam ve sa tliah na ri ngawt hian kan hnam a chhan dam dawn lo. Kan hnam hui khawm a hum halh a veng him thei tur khawp a mi thiam dik tak
kan ma mawh a. Chi ti’ang mi chu kan la nei rih lo ni in a lang.
Tun a kan mi thiam neih ve kan chhuan ruk em em ho pawh hi
an nih na diktak zawk chu,
mah ni tan a chak ai khawrh,
hnam dam zel na tur vei peih lo ho an ni hlawm si a. Chakma/Tuikuk/Bengali/Gurkhali ho vin, tun a tang a kum100 hnu lam ah chuan, kan thlah kal zel te Tiauchhak lam ah
an la hnawt chhuak hial in ka ring.

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By: caribou Thu, 28 Nov 2013 07:51:52 +0000 A chhiar tham hle mai

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By: lr hlonchhing Wed, 27 Nov 2013 02:03:18 +0000 #3 (Y)

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By: Atom c Tue, 26 Nov 2013 17:41:14 +0000 #3- Tilo mahse a intluk miau si a lawm..heheh…

ZORO hi thingtlang lamah chuan an reh ruih deuh reng rengin a hriat, lung an tileng e (ti teh daih ila). Mizoramah chuan thingtlang mi kan tam zawk mah si a.

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By: Pakak Tue, 26 Nov 2013 10:31:36 +0000 first :p

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By: ninja Tue, 26 Nov 2013 06:29:32 +0000 Pastor vote leh Ks vote a intluk ti zawng a chhiarkawp chawk thin politician ho hi a kaikuang ber chu an ni e

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By: Awmtea Leo Khiangte Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:36:32 +0000 Tuikuk-te hi eng tikah mah kan hnawtchhuak thei tawh lo ang. A theih tawh tlat loh. Tunhma thil thleng a ni a, siam that chu har tawh tak a ni ang. Ka lawm e.

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