ELCOT success story of Linux Migration

August 3rd, 2007 2:10 am | Movies and Videos | benjamin | 110 Views

This video is a documentary showing how ELCOT (Electronic Corporation of TamilNadu) saved several rupees by migrating to Linux.

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9 Responses to “ELCOT success story of Linux Migration”

  1. 1
    hltau Says:

    Ngaihnawm khop mai. Heng Elcot s/w ho hi orginal s/w chu NIC developed a ni dehuh tlangpui, a chang chuan CDAC te nen join project pawh aom thin. heng s/w ho hi state tin in a lalut thei a, an mahni mamawh dan azir in a n customise thei. its scalable to any platform, microsoft , linux etc. mizoram pawh hian preperty, land recors, birth certificat, tribal, ILP etc , PHE mis etc te nic in customise ani ve a, central 100 % finance in, mahse adminsitration level a mi tui kan mawmawh an, han ti hlawhtling tur chuan tin e-gov hi kan la ti tak tak thei lo a, connectivty kan la neih that loh vang hian, a pawi ngot mai, kan hrauitute in thlahdah lutuk hi chu, IT field ah lezel kan hniam hi chu a pawi ngot mai !!!

  2. 2
    3d-lover Says:

    Duh…Haven’t the Tamil Nadu Government heard of Pirated Software….loll

  3. 3
    ChiangKuanga Says:

    Hahaha…A van han vai rep rep ve mawle. They expect us to chose this shit over Microsoft??? Are you fuckin kidding me??? Ting bon tawps!!!

  4. 4
    myself Says:

    where is Aryan ?? :)

  5. 5
    benjamin Says:

    @ChiangKuanga: I would not call this shit. I run GNU\Linux myself on my PC and I can accomplish all my computing need.

    Look at what ELCOT has done? They saved several money by migrating to Linux.

    It’s a of course, a matter of choice. Linux is not one size fits all solution. People deploy where it fits and makes sense.

    Even Dell has started offering desktops pre-loaded with Ubuntu Linux.

  6. 6
    ChiangKuanga Says:

    Benjamin…I guess it depends on what you use your computer for and what programs you run on your computer. Many office computers in many companies only run specific programs for office work. In this case, it might be effective if the same programs can be run because it is cheaper. Apart from cost, what other advantage do you think this system has over Microsoft?

  7. 7
    benjamin Says:

    Apart from cost, what other advantage do you think this system has over Microsoft?

    - Too many. You can Google it. I will tell you a few

    * Again cost. That’s a huge factor
    * You are not dependent/ locked down to a single vendor
    * Almost virus free (secure). So the company need not invest in Anti-virus (cost saving)
    * If there’s a bug, it’s fixed pretty thanks to the big community behind it.
    * More stable
    * It can be tweaked to run faster on older hardware

    IBM deployed Linux Desktop internally where it fits and here is why they mirgated


    Special Effects / animation for the following movies were done using Linux

    Dantes Peak [2/7/97] D2
    Titanic [12/19/97] D2
    Stuart Little [12/17/99] R&H
    Little Nicky [11/10/00] R&H
    Grinch [11/17/00] R&H
    Sixth Day [11/17/00] R&H
    Enemy at the Gates [3/16/01] Double Negative (England)
    Cats & Dogs [4/4/01] R&H
    Shrek [5/16/01] Dreamworks
    Fast & the Furious [6/22/01] Hammerhead
    Dr. Dolittle 2 [6/22/01] R&H
    Final Fantasy [7/11/01] Square (ceased operations)
    Planet of the Apes [7/27/01] R&H
    Captain Corelli’s Mandolin [9/17/01] Double Negative
    Harry Potter [11/16/01] R&H
    Lord of the Rings 1 [12/19/01] Weta
    Collateral Damage [2/8/02] Flash Film Works
    Blade II [3/22/02] Tippett
    Death to Smoochy [3/29/02] Flash Film Works
    Star Wars E2 [5/16/02] ILM
    Spirit [5/24/02] Dreamworks
    Scooby-Doo [6/14/01] Rhythm & Hues
    Haunted Lighthouse (IMAX) [summer 2002 Busch Gardens] Island Fever
    Men In Black 2 [7/3/02] Tippett (limited Linux, chase scene through Manhattan)
    XXX [8/9/2002] D2
    Pluto Nash [8/16/02] Flash Film Works
    Blue Crush [8/16/02] Hammerhead
    Below [Q3 02] Double Negative
    Santa Clause 2 [11/1/02] Tippett
    Harry Potter 2 [11/15/02] (not confirmed this is Linux)
    Star Trek Nemesis [12/13/02] D2
    Lord of the Rings 2 [12/25/02] Weta (New Zealand)

    About half of the world’s websites run on Apache which mostly runs on Linux.


    You can also visit this link

    The above being said, it does not mean it’s the universal solution and it has it’s own share of problems.

  8. 8
    ChiangKuanga Says:

    Benjamin…Thanks for the detailed reply. I do not know too much about computers. I just do not think the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. Just a personal choice and definitely not a risk I am willing to take especailly because of the fact that I do not know too much about computers. Maybe if big companies in the first world start to switch, I will be more convinced.

  9. 9
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