The cutting of Durtlang Pass

September 20th, 2007 2:16 am | more than words | benjamin | 111 Views

durtlan leitan

DOWN THE MEMORY LANE by Captain M.A. Muthu (Retd.)

The major task was given to this Platoon near to the village DURTLANG HILL RIDGE, cutting of vertical passage like a Gateway. There were no road except for tribal track and short length passages. There were no technical men and I too must admit that I was not technically qualified in the real sense, except for my practical experiences in the Field Engineering in the Army and there was no plants equipments machineries as mentioned before. Our only tool was manual labor for demolition, reconstruction and completion of the project.

- Chhinlung Magazine Vol. VI, 1990-1991, pp. 37-38) via

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12 Responses to “The cutting of Durtlang Pass”

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  1. 12
    sekibuhchhuak Says:

    …had nuthin to do with..?? chutia lough Silent_Man :P

  2. 11
    SiLent_Man Says:

    Hah… MNF had nuthin to do with Durtlang kawng zauh, an fakawm lo tihna ni lovin. an sorkar lai a ni fuh mai mai zok a ni e

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