Chronically MonoChromatic

April 9th, 2009 4:05 pm | Mizo Society & Culture, for user's info | Peer Gynt | 1,979 views

[This post may be taken as a belated response to the comment(s) made by a few people (oh who are we kidding? > let’s narrow it down to say, comment #2 in particular) on March 17, 2009 of regarding the purported dubiousness of Barack Obama's image owing to his err...mixed lineage, also referred to as ‘thlahpawlh’ in Mizo. In this particular comment, mixed lineage has most unfortunately, (to echo Blind Dayze's sentiments on the subject) been crudely associated with significantly reduced trustworthiness or in Mizo, ‘rinawm nep’. Other colourful options have also been underlined in some of the comments under the same link].


chawnghilh Says:
March 17th, 2009 at 8:18 pm

Lai tawng chuan KAHPIAH, Zotawngin THLAH PAWLH … a dum leh var inchawhpawlh a nih miau avangin Artist huang atanga sawi fiah dawn chuan ‘Obama is GREY’ kan ti thei ang —GREYHOUND ni em lovin! Photographical takin ‘Obama is Monochrome’ a tih theih bawk awm e …

Tin, BLACK leh WHITE hi art lam atang chuan COLOR an ni lo ve ve a; kan Celebrity thenkhat, “Eng kawr rawng nge i ngainat zawng?” tia zawhna A DUM, A VAR tia chhang maiho hian Lemziakna Sikul an la dai lut hman rih lo tih a tarlang chiang!

>> DUM chiah lo, VAR chiah lo hi “an rinawm nep” tiin an lo insawi ve tho mai! Thlah pawlh an engemaw deuhva hnam tinin kan sawi ang tho hian!”


Though one is very rarely inclined to wax offensive, comments like these can appeal to one’s baser, more defensive instincts, making one quite favourably disposed to spout expletives of the foulest water, though preferably, one would perhaps want to rise above the mud and dirt and maintain an austere silence. But it has been decided that austerity, at this point, just does not cut it. So one shall do neither.

Ye-es, one shall soil one’s hands a little by offering a few (to spurn a better word)… recommendations.

Think Tiger Woods and Halle Berry, Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Norah Jones and Bryan Clay, Marley and Hendrix, Alicia Keys and Harry Belafonte, Malcolm X and Ben Kingsley, Naomi Campbell and The Rock, Vin Diesel and Tina Turner. This is recommended for blogger chawnghilh (and his ilk)…though one is left in serious doubt as to whether this would be sharp enough to pierce, putting it bluntly, this surface of singular bluntness…will one succeed where Obama has failed to make a dent? Makes one wonder if perhaps the pure of blood are also thick of skin…not to rule out exceptions of course.

But let us proceed nonetheless.

So to continue with chawnghilh, his comments and the prescriptive recommendations, if he hasn’t heard of either Pushkin or Clay, of Malcolm X or Dostoevsky, it is recommended that he take the time to look them up. Their half bred lives have moved many a soul, sung many a song, told many a tale and run many a race - literally and otherwise, than many of the lives led by the so-called ‘pure’ of blood. Not that one is trying to make this in any way a contest. It is entirely up to him, but it would be appreciated if he were to take this as pure, unadulterated retaliation. Yes, it is rather hoped that it would have the effect of water on smoldering charcoal…or hybrid Nirvana to the hitherto insensitive mind.

It is also keenly prescribed that he exercises this freedom and one might go so far as to further advise him to test the efficacy of this exercise on the intelligence of his off-spring (though this may regretfully have profound, untold repercussions…as one shudders to think of what yardstick may be employed for this purpose). But studies have shown that such ‘exercise’ oft begets heightened intelligence and beauty – speaking largely in terms of future progeny…and yes, the intended albeit thinly veiled pun.

It is also requested of the aforementioned blogger that he kindly elucidate - to the few here who have been left yearning for enlightenment, as to what is meant by his rather embarrassingly prejudiced comment… “thlah pawlh an engemaw deuhva hnam tinin kan sawi ang tho hian!”, and what exactly is “engemaw deuh” and lastly, who exactly he means/includes when he says ‘kan’ in ‘‘kan sawi ang tho hian” (??!) This we ask of you because mentioning Obama and “engemaw deuh” in the same breath does not exactly prove the stupefying point you were trying to make…that is indeed, if you were trying to make one at all.

P.S. One would also like to add that monochrome photography yields a range of no less than 256 beautiful shades – otherwise called the ‘Grayscale’…or, at the obvious risk of sounding redundant, different shades of gray. But this is another very telling scent you’ve allowed us to pick up - that for some people out there, gray is just not a colour or an option (and perhaps not the most “happening” place to be). So to speak in figurative terms, it is either black Or white, and hardly ever black AND white. Tsk. Tsk. Dear chawnghilh (and ilk), I fear I am getting to know you all too well. Do remember that Monochrome basically means the resulting blend of many, many bright colours…and that gray can be beautiful - to the polychromatic eye.

P.P.S. If we take this point a tad further, the symptomatic condition ‘Monochromacy’ also means total colour blindness – the complete inability to distinguish colours…more food for thought. One is compulsively led to think…‘now doesn’t that ring an awfully familiar bell?’ And while delving into the recesses of one’s memory, the mind is allowed to wander for just a bit…and pop forth a juicy, tempting question: What would happen if we, or at least the few of us who find it beyond ourselves to take in too much “colour” at a time, were all Monochromatic…??

…with this last afflatic spurt, our rusty old bell finally hits home with startling clarity. Old Hippocampus and her sisters tremble with the once forgotten, newly remembered, resounding clang of ….World Peace!

Disclaimer: The addressee is requested to kindly not be misled…by this seemingly innocuous conclusion, into taking this as a peaceful, conciliatory post.

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147 Responses to “Chronically MonoChromatic”

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  1. 1
    dr_feelgood Says:

    We Mizo are prone to passing off the cuff remarks on subject we dont even have the faintest idea. Perhaps you shouldn’t take it too seriously. Biology tells us that two widely different characteristics produce heterosis or hybrid vigour. We are a prejudiced lot, maybe some one should enlighten us why we are the way we are.

  2. 2
    beethugs2 Says:

    This site is completely an individual opinion..If you dont like the way we can just get lose..

  3. 3
    funny Says:

    saptawng in inti zela ka hre ve thiamlo :D

  4. 4
    Goldmember Says:

    @beethugs i comment ang vang te khian ania comment kan close thin. mi rilru ti na zawng a comment hi chu ti lo hram ang chu. :)

  5. 5
    beethugs2 Says:

    A rawn phun nasa lutuk a…ka lo ning ve deuh nih hi..sorryy..-)

  6. 6
    Goldmember Says:


    pu chawnghilh a a rawn cho nih hi. a ngaihnawm phian dawn sin pu chawnghilh an a ron reply hunah. *fetches popcorn*

  7. 7
    beethugs2 Says:

    Ni chiah..kei pawh popcorn kan lo va order lawk ange..

  8. 8
    Sandman Says:

    One principal reason why the internet is called a Global Village is because apart from bringing everybody closer to each other (Nokia - connecting…), in a typical village, everybody interacts with each other so that one person’s misconception/misinformation about one thing is corrected/contended by the others. That contention is again available for everybody to debate or concur.

    Pi/Pu Peer Gynt, you brought up a couple of valid points for Pu Chawnghilh to contemplate on, but your conclusion which seems to smack of belligerence poses an obtrusive albeit subtle challenge to a flame war. Here’s hoping on every member’s behalf that things won’t come down to that. The power lies in your palm.

  9. 9
    funny Says:

    Pu; chawnghilh comment hriat a chakawm tawh khawpmai, he post hi a tir khan kalo chhiar peihlova mahse a HOT dawn riau in ka hria. a literature value pawh a sang zek in ka ring :D

    tianga in tih thin hi a nuam reng ani, inhnialna thianghlim ni se. naknah ka ngaihdan kalo sawi ve ang. kei ve te hian.

  10. 10
    Goldmember Says:

    kan thiannu pakhat in register thei lo chuan “dictionary” nen ka chhiar mek a ti nih chu.

  11. 11
    Sandman Says:

    funny says:
    saptawng in inti zela…

    lolzzz sap tawnga article mi in an rawn submit tlem teh reng nen, a va mak ve! Nge articles dang ho hi i lo hmu sap tawng vek bik? i van changkang awm ve! :D

  12. 12
    Goldmember Says:

    @ funny nia i sawi ang khian he topic hi kal se… in chhan let na te awm chuan debate angin ni se :)

  13. 13
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    funny, a computer a kaput alawm…

  14. 14
    Irreplaceable Says:

    Interesting!!I predict an incredible and mindblowing discussion between the two. Keipawh popcorn n pepsi ka mamawh dawn tlats!! Pu Chawnghilh,wer art thou? :)

    Truth has no shades of gray Vs gray can be beautiful.

  15. 15
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    chronically i tih khian, Bible thu mi ti hrechhuak a, a dang erawh ka chhiar zawm ta lem hlei law :) no offense

  16. 16
    Sandman Says:

    No popcorn here, so me sitting with vada pav and waiting for reactions. A ngaihnawm hlawm dawn lutuk.

    Pu Aryan pawh rawn tel thei se aw….

  17. 17
    beethugs2 Says:

    Peer Gynt pawh hi a awm ve ngei a ngai ang..

  18. 18
    funny Says:

    chawnghilh awm hma atang ppawhin a HOT tran riau mai :D

    tran hmun tur lo thlang fel ula misual dang te pawn inhnialna thianghlim nen han debate teh ang u hmiang.

    keichu ka thlang fel tawh e, ka pu chawnghlilh lama tanglo thei ka nilo :D
    chawnghilh awm hma a lo defend sak ngawt chi ni bawksilo, zan lamah ka rawn ti ve ang.

    ka lawm e.

  19. 19
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    funny: Azl panin boruak thiang kar ah a hawi viu veu maithei a ni, tunah hi chuan.

  20. 20
    blackmagicwoman Says:

    pu chawnghilh chu rawn chhang turin a in prepare mek an ti. A camouflage suit a ha a, a hmai vel chirh in a hnawih rang mek…an nu in a helmet ah hnah a thiat mek bawk :-)

    thinrim lovin, friendly deuh khan debate ru leeeem!

  21. 21
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    “kan” means we…a whole lotta people… i hrethiam lo em ni a… a sentence in a sawitum chu, hrilhfiah ngai lovin alang sa ut alawm. Intih grammatical (dik emaw lol) a ngai vak bawk hek lo. Simple English in a sawifel vek theih lawm ni….kei chu England English, a grammer tak, English class a mi ang thumal an hman hi chuan ka chhiar peih thak lo. Simple English in thu tha tak tak chhiar tur atam em mai. tra la la la la

  22. 22
    Snowbell Says:

    “Thlah pawlh an engemaw deuhva hnam tinin kan sawi ang tho hian!” tih hi kei ka ngaithiam thei lo e. Pu Chawnghilh-a lam chu kan trang lo phot mai teh ang. He may not mean it in ths way.. mahse a tawngkam hman hi midang tan tha a na thei riau e.. Friendly and clean debate han ni phot mai se… tha ni mai

  23. 23
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    I nghak phawt mai ang u hmiang :D

  24. 24
    Aryan Says:

    Laodikei khua pawh an lum silo dai silo kha Pathian in anchhia a lawh ani lawm ni? :mrgreen:

  25. 25
    beethugs2 Says:

    Thlahpawlh leh pawlh lo chu dang tak an ni…Tunah i nu kha vai lo nita se, i pa kha mizo lo ni bawk se..Mizo hnam chu i chhawm thei ngei ang..Mahse miin i chanchin an sawiin,”A nu chu vai’ an ti reng tawh mai dawn che ni.:-)

  26. 26
    Maverick Says:

    Aryan- dek nalh hle mai a..
    nktk good friday la ni zui..

    chawnghilh hi a va rawn inlar har ta ve a..

  27. 27
    funny Says:

    >> DUM chiah lo, VAR chiah lo hi “an rinawm nep” tiin an lo insawi ve tho mai! Thlah pawlh an engemaw deuhva hnam tinin kan sawi ang tho hian!”

    ” lum chuan lum la i vawh chuan vawt rawh” tih te kha han ngaihuah chiang ila, chu nen tepawh chuan a inmil riau in kan hria..

    Anyway, chawnghilh, I bel chhung a sa atan amah leh amah a rawn in barh lut ani a, It’s all yours.. :D

  28. 28
    nghasih Says:

    Thlah pawlh pawh hi amihring ah an in nghat in ka hria mi zawng zawng chu an in ang vek kher in ka hre lo kei chu

  29. 29
    funny Says:

    chawnghilh hian ama ngaihdan in thlahpawlh a hnualsuat tih thu a sawi lova, “tiin anlo sawi ve tho mai” tiin ani a sawi ni, thildang pawh khi, a ma ngaihdan sawi lovin, a thil hriat a sawi mai ani. :D

  30. 30
    wonderboy Says:

    A thinrim hmel hle mai a :D

  31. 31
    zodikalz13 Says:

    aaa thlahpolh hi chu a fuh vaklo reng2

  32. 32
    Snowbell Says:

    Mihring hnam hnufual reng reng hi RACE ah hian kan la buai a… thla pawlh leh pawlh loh ah kan la buai a. hei hi kei chu lehkhathiam tan chuan a mawi lo ka ti a. Thlah pawlh e, pawlh lo e.. a tawp ah chuan MIHRING, Pathianin duh taka a siam kan ni a. Khata lo in thliar hi.. what right do we have?? ‘Vai’ hi kan hmusit a, mahse VAIRAMah tho lehkha kan zirin hna kan thok leh si a, Vai ho hian min hmusit chuang hleinem, hei hi lehkhathiam tih dan a nia. PP John-a pek Vai a nia, a hausak vangin VAI kan ti kan ti chuang hleinem. :-) Chuvangin ka pa emaw, ka nu emaw hi Vai lo ni ta pawh ni se…. zahna tur ka neih ka hre lo anga.. ka ‘engemaw’ bik lem chuang bok lo ang…

  33. 33
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    PP John hi a hausak vangin vai kan ti kan ti lova, vai a nih vang erawh in vai a ni, kan ti thin. A chanchin hria kan tam lem loh vang te pawh aniang, ( Mizo min ti buai lo em mai a… vantlang hriatah te pawh) chu a hleiin an chhungkua hi an kohran mi ve thin khawp mai…. Sawisel na tur kan hre lo zawk a ni mahna. Mizo a ni erawh kan ti ngai lovang…. Tin, khawvel a ram ropui ber kan tih ah hian, dan (sawrkar dan) in a khapbur na hmun USA ah ngei hian racism chu nasa tak a ni. Hnam hnufual an nih ka ring lem lo.

    A hring ahran in an show chhuak lutuk duh lo fo a ni mai chauh zawk e. Hna ah te inban hial na athlen theih avang te a ni mahna, bakah lungin tan thleng te pawh a kawk te pawh a ni mahna le… an dan hi ka hre thui lo khawp mahse…racism chu hnam hnufual ah chauh kan buailo tih ka chiang.

  34. 34
    beethugs2 Says:

    @Snowbell: Thu i ngam mah mah ka ti..racism hi ram changkang kan tih ah hian nia nasa ni..amaherawh chu minority te tan dan fel fai tak a awm a vang chauhin publicly in a tilang lo mai ania.
    “VAIRAMah tho lehkha kan zirin hna kan thok leh si a, Vai ho hian min hmusit chuang hleinem, hei hi lehkhathiam tih dan a nia.”
    Vai ho hmuhsit ila tawng lo chu ka lawmpui khawp mai che…Vai rama awm tam zawk te hi chuan Vai lehkhathiam ho hmuhsit hi kan tawng nasa in ka ring..kei phei chuan a sawi pawh ka sawi peih lo.

  35. 35
    funny Says:

    Nobel laureate Watson pawh kha, (ama lo zirna ve mai mai) Black ho hi mi ngo ho aiin genetically in an intelligent lo zawk tih ang zawngin ama ngaihdan kha TV interview ah a sawi chhuak palh a, professor nihna atangin an ban nghal a, a lecture pek tur zawng zawng pawh an cancel sak vek mai sin :D

    chawnghilh khian “kan/an sawi thin” tih ang chauh in a sawi niin ka hria, an sawi thin renga. chu chu a dik ani, an sawi kha a dik leh dik loh lam a justify pawh anilova, khitiang rawn tih vak khi a trul lemin ka hrelo.

    a rawn post tu khian he thu a rawn hnial hrim hrim a tum aiin, saptawng rawn tih kual vel khi a rawn in show na lam a ang kati mah zawk. chutiang lamah chuan chawnghilh hi a rawn chi deuh nitur ani.

    chawnghilh hi rilru puitling tak ani a, keimah tak pawh hian a reaction hre chaka hnehsawh deuh deuh a kan tih pawh hian min rawn ti let tha ve duh mang re re lo nia :D chuvangin rilru te deuh ang chuan a rawn react miahlo ang.

    chawnghilh literature lamah pawh mi ril tak i nih thu leh saptawng ah pawh zahpuiawmlo tak i nihna kha rawn au chhuah pui ve tawh la mawle. iva reh rei ve, i zam chhe ta mai elaw.

  36. 36
    funny Says:

    rawn chi = rawn cho* hairehai :D

  37. 37
    Zaia Says:

    addressee chu lo lang har be le oooo!! Ka va ngaklel a va ni ve!!

    @wonder: A thinrim hmel hle mai a :) - kei poh ka ti…. hehehe

  38. 38
    Snowbell Says:

    @beethugs2: I soi ang deuh khan “This site is completely an individual opinion..If you dont like the way we can just get lose”… or GET LOST?? I dont know.. watever! Anyway.. we were supposed to have a friendly debate here… And i am so sorry that Vaiin an lo hmusit che a…. And u cannot just say to anyone in this ‘Thu i ngam mah mah ka ti’.. i think i can also say the same thing to u.. but i’d rather not.. ;)

  39. 39
    Khelawks Says:

    Vaihovin min hmusit chiang,ka hrechiang khawp mai…keimah chauh ka sawina a ni lo bawk.thank u,noi.A nihna tak ka sawi mai ania…

  40. 40
    Maverick Says:

    Dik chiah! Vai ho hian rin aiin min lo hmusit khawp mai.. Aizawl tih spelling ringot pawh hi hre reng chunga ziak dik duhlo lui ngat hi ka hre nual mai.. Mizoram awmna hre reng chung si a inla hre duhlo der a min zawt lui ngat pawh hi ka tawng nual mai.. Vai ho nen hi chuan kan lo dang em ani.. Keipoh hian vai ho hi chu ka ngaisang lo ve dah dah khawp mai.. tlatz mai a.. :D

  41. 41
    beethugs2 Says:

    I just said that,”You can just get lost”,but he may not..i really appreciate that you rather not to say ‘Thu i ngam mah mah ka ti’ ,even if you said so…i dont mind..;-)
    Mahse Vai hi chuan phat rual lohin min hmusit ani.Muanpuii Saiawi IFS te khan a sawi thin asin.Khatia IFS an training lai te khan Tribal Quota a tling mai mai an tia,an nuihsawh fo thin hrehawm a tih zia a sawi tlat…Vai ho hmuhsitna hrehawm a ti lutuk in Vai ho phak loh turin an zir tak tak a,India ram Record siamin Paper pahnih ah Gold Medal lai a lak nghe nghe kha..

  42. 42
    mkima Says:

    chawnghilh Says:
    March 17th, 2009 at 8:18 pm
    Lai tawng chuan KAHPIAH, Zotawngin THLAH PAWLH … a dum leh var inchawhpawlh a nih miau avangin Artist huang atanga sawi fiah dawn chuan ‘Obama is GREY’ kan ti thei ang —GREYHOUND ni em lovin! Photographical takin ‘Obama is Monochrome’ a tih theih bawk awm e …

    KAHPIAH ti saw LAI tawng a ni lo va, KAWL Trawng an hman pawlh mai a ni e.. KAHPIAH chu Burmese trawng zawk ani. ATUH / ACHIT an tih A lem leh a tak tih na. trawng hman pawlh hi a lo awl duh khawp a, vairam ah pawh kan awm rei chuan vai trawng lam hawi zawnga trawng hi a lo awl khawp. lai trawng diktak chuan AICHAWH PAWLH tih tur zawk ani.

  43. 43
    Snowbell Says:

    I think we are taking this in a wrong direction! (some of us) ;) Anyway.. let the debate go on in a clean and matured way…And thank God.. Vai hmuhsit ka la tawng lo a… ka vannei.. Pathian khawngaihna a zarah… just wanna add one thing - Vaiin an hmuhsit ang che u a Mizoram ah in hmuhsit ve ringot chuan… whats the difference between u and them? Then u’r all the same…. but im not blaming u for being angry! (I am so sorry for Muanpuii IFS too that she had to go through those awful things)

  44. 44
    Sandman Says:

    @Snowbell @Beethugs2

    In inhnialna ber chu heti hian a rawn sawi theih mai ang chu maw…

    Vai in Mizo min hmusit. Mizo in vai kan hmusit. Vai Mizo hmusit lo pawh an awm. Mizo Vai hmusit lo pawh an awm ve tho. Vai an racist. Mizo an racist. Khawvela mihring zawng zawng hi kan racist vek. Mahse khami “racist attitude” kha mahni action ah ti lang lo thei pawh kan tam. Chung chu a nih ber hmel mai ka ti.

    (in inhnialna leh hemi topic hi an in anglo deuh hlek avangin hetian ka rawn ti ta mai a nih hi… Pu Chawnghilh a reply te kan nghak fur sia, a rawn reply hma a topic danga kai daih kha midang ho ngaihdan te a lo nih loh palh takin… in la sawi zawm zel duh chuan thu dang…)


  45. 45
    Kawnga Says:

    Chawnghilh Chawnghilh Chawnghilh Chawnghilh Chawnghilh Chawnghilh… Ka va ngai che em!!! Hei an ti vak vak che nia aw… Tho la, tawng teh.

  46. 46
    Snowbell Says:

    Thank u Sandman.. I thusoi chu a dik chiah! Im sorry if i had said something wrong and take this debate in a negative direction!

  47. 47
    beethugs2 Says:


  48. 48
    caribou Says:

    Thlahpawlh te hian mizo nula chauh nupui atan nei se, an fate pawhin, tin, an tupa te pawhin. Then, from the the third generation onward, almost all unwanted gene would be eliminated slowly. Anmahni chu lo ngeia lo dem kher a tul lo ang. Anmahni duhthlannaa thlahpawlha lopiang anni si lo va. An hmelah mizo a lan loh chang pawh a awm mahna, mahse an thisenah mizo thisen a luang tho.

  49. 49
    mkima Says:

    caribou .. hnam tinah in thlah pung rawh u a tih kha maw. lalpan in hlah pun hi a duh asin. Nova fate pawh in thlah pung turin an ti a, an duh lova, hawh u tih darh a kan awm loh nan Babel in sang i sa ang u an ti a, lalpan a hrem kha, Abrahama pawh in thlah punga khawvel luah khat tura tih a ni kha.

  50. 50
    Sandman Says:

    @ caribou: “almost all UNWANTED gene would be eliminated slowly”.

    i tawngkam hmang chu a va rapthlak ve. i uang a nih ka beisei khawp mai, fiamthu ah pawh nuihzathlaklo ni mahse.

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