Thursday could spell doom for call centres in India

October 4th, 2006 2:38 pm | News | BlackWhite | 232 Views

I like the part where NASSCOM chief Kiran Karnik hints at a larger conspiracy. If true, the consequences could be really bad!

UK-based broadcaster Channel 4 has said it would air a sting operation on October 5 that would purportedly blow the lid off the thriving data theft scandal in India’s booming outsourcing industry.

The sting operation, titled The Data Theft Scandal, will reportedly show two Indian middlemen selling personal and confidential financial information of UK citizens they allegedly obtained from Indian call centers.

According to a prelim report published on the website of the London daily The Sunday Times (, “middlemen” - in connivance with willing Indian BPO employees - offer “bulk packages” of crucial information like thousands of credit card numbers, passport and driving license details to the highest bidders.

“They even have access to taped telephone conversations in which British customers disclose sensitive security information to call center staff,” reports The Sunday Times.

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5 Responses to “Thursday could spell doom for call centres in India”

  1. 1
    benjamin Says:

    Nothing will happen. Will create a big hype. Thats all. At least, the media will be satisfied.

  2. 2
    Jonquille Says:

    benjamin wrote:

    Nothing will happen. Will create a bug hupe. Thats all.

    What’s a bug hupe?

  3. 3
    benjamin Says:

    Bad keyboard :-D

  4. 4
    myself Says:

    its one of the brightest face of india shining….so bad that this sector which drastically increase the salary of youth in india in comparision to their parent’s period is going to face this kind of news ……

  5. 5
    Anonymous Says:

    Hmanah poh heting thil hi a thlen toh kha, information lo pek chhuah chuangchang ah

    Poi ngot thin mai……employment lam chu lo dah tha ta i la, poi na ber hi chu Indian min hmuhsit toh nak laiin, a chhan poh - rinawm loh, mi bum hmang..tha lo hlir…

    Proved Indian

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