It’s Not That Easy

August 9th, 2009 7:38 pm by mzvision

A newly released study by the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) looks at the potential of establishing a “Composite Index of Market Access” (CIMA) to measure the changes in market access using a single, comprehensive, and operationally-friendly model.

The extent to which markets are open and transparent to trade is an important issue for farmers across the globe.  Farmers must weigh the costs and benefits of subsidies, export tariffs, and other barriers such as technical barriers, health and safety measures, and private voluntary standards which must be met to sell to certain buyers.

What this model attempts to achieve is to “shift the focus from the number and complexity” of measures being considered “to a uniform and comparable index so that negotiations may conclude more transparent and equitable trade agreements in the future.”

While still a conceptual discussion, the paper suggests that a limited test of the indiex on a few commodities could demonstrate whether the CIMA could become an effective tool for policy discussions, such as:

  • determining the current level of market access for negotiation purposes
  • identifying shifts in market access over time
  • targeting sub-issues which might remedy existing trade problems
  • estimating the impact of private standards on market access
  • empowering exporting farmers with useful information on which to base decisions

NLUP a tak takin kan liluh chilh dawn rual hian he thu i chhiar atrang hian tihtur kan ngah zia hriatsa tho nimahse reminder atan mi(sual) trhiante lo review atan ka han dah ani. Ka lawme.

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6 Responses to “It’s Not That Easy”

  1. 1
    Awzzman Says:

    ni e.hetiang lam hi..kan la in hrilhhriat a tul khawpmai..

  2. 2
    lrpa Says:

    Ka chhiar a, ka hrethiam thuai lo e!! Ka hriatthiam ve chhun economic lam ah chuan high school kan kal lai ami kha hetiang deuh hi ni in ka hria
    ‘an increase in labor and capital applied in the cultivation of land causes in general, a less than proportionate income in the amount produce unless it happens to coinside with the science (or arts)of agriculture’ tih kha! In la hre ve hlawm em?
    Mizoram tan hian engmah hi a applicable lo niin ka hre thin, a bikin agriculture lam ah hian. Mizorama ka zin kual ve chang hian kan ram leilung hi ka thlir ka thlir thin, agriculture lam a beisei a bo zia hi tuma hrilh ngai lo in kei meuh pawn ka hmu chiang khawp mai, mahse enge option kan neih? engmah! mahse agriculture hi kan dinchhuah pui pui a ngai si a chhan chu duhthlan tur dang a awm lo. Kan natural resource neih chhun chu kan ‘ruah tui, moderate climate’ a ni mai in a lang, a bak kan luite, tlawng, tuirial etc. Engpawh nise kan hmatiam ni a lang chu;
    1. Kan ram leilung hi scientific tak a kan modify a ngai, kum 100 pawh a ngai mai thei, leilet hmun zawl siam angai a ni deuh ber. Permanent farming for cereal production hi a pawimawh ber.
    2. Rubber, Tea, Coffee, Zatropha etc ram chhe ngam ’sum thing or thlai’ kan uar leh zual a ngai.
    3. Kan natural resource neih chhun kan luite hi electric pechhuak tur a khuah vek.
    Bristish ho khan min la awpta se chuan permanent farming puitling tak tak kan nei thluah ngei ka ring.
    Agriculture hi a apawng tak a hlawh tlin mai theih ani lo, sum leh tha a pawng a takin va vur hluai mah ila, scientific tak a thiltih loh chuan kan sum sen hu kha a rawn let chuang lo. Sawhthingte pawh hi a hlawk viau mahse kan agriculture lam thiam ho hian a tamna chhan leh a vendan hria se chuan tunai a let tam tak hi Mizoram hian kan thar ngei ang.

  3. 3
    dr_feelgood Says:

    Agriculture marketing hi keini Mizo te chuan kan la hmel hriat loh hle,agriculture and allied field a awm te tiam in.’WTA and its impact on agriculture workshop’ hi ka attend ve tawh a, tlem chuan a lam ka hre ve ta deuh.A bul berah chuan market tur products kan la nei lo. NLUP te pawh hi ram economy siam danglam dawrh tur chuan beisei chi pawh niin ka hre lo, poverty alleviation scheme mai chauh ani rih.Sumchang thlai kan neih hun an chuan khawvel market te pawh kan thlir pha ve tawh ang chu.Chutih hun ah chuan tuna i rawn tarlan,CIMA te pawh hian awmzia a nei tan deuh ang chu.Tin, kan ram a chin tur te pawh hi, large scale a kan chin dawn chuan khawvel market thlir chunga hma lak a tul khawp mai. Kan ram in a ngeih tih leh tu consultancy in emaw an sawimawi vang ngawt chuan a chi loh. Tun ah pawh palm oil, jathropa etc kan chin tir a, mahse a technical feasibility bak chu market lam chu kan thlir tehchiam in a lang lo.
    A sei lutuk dawn, midang in han chhun zawm teh se. Ka lawm e.

  4. 4
    XaiA Says:

    A thupui ang deuh khian a awl ai lo hle mai,a awm zia hrim hrim pawh keni ang duang chuan kan man dawn hlei nem :!:

    Agri market ti changtlung tur chuan kan produce te thlai emaw,thei ani emaw GRADING tha tawk a kan tih hmasak phawt a ngai,chumi a nih loh chuan a man leh a hlawk dan turah kan buai tho tho ang Kanti ve phawt a ni e,kei misual hian :lol:

  5. 5
    awzoram Says:

    3 & 4 comment bak sawi ve tur ka nei lauh

  6. 6
    ZerO Says:

    Kham pang hmun remlo tak takah thlai kan ching a. Tichuan thlai tharte kan in kawtkai thleng phurh chhuah (export) a lo tul ta a. Zingah feh chhuakin, thlai tharte chu kan zawh tawk kan hawn a, kharchhawng hnenah kan pe a, thlai thar phur khat chuan Rs.150-200 vel a man a. Vai mistiri hlawh pawh a pha lo.

    Comment 2 suggest anga leilet hmun zawl, motor luh theihna nei ta ila, export tariff a ziaawm ngawt ang (?)

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