Union Minister wants woman. So does every man :-)

September 5th, 2006 5:31 am by benjamin rualthanzauva

Aizawl Sept 3 “I would like to see a woman as Chief Minister in Mizoram,” said Jairam Ramesh Union Minister of State for Trade and Commerce while addressing the Congress party at the Congress Bhavan here on his arrival in the city on Friday.

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For a state like ours which hardly have woman MLA, this is a far far away dream me thinks. The only woman legislator we have had that I know is Pi Hlimpuii, whose son is Isaac, the singer from Rave Vox. Pi Hlimpuii is a lecturer in Pachhunga College.

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One Response to “Union Minister wants woman. So does every man :-)”

  1. 1
    virgochhas Says:

    eh…..enter…..yours truly



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