IIPM a Scam?

July 4th, 2008 2:02 am by ZoRawks

After reading an article entitled “Racket Game Lobs” by Maheshwer Peri in Outlook Magazine (June 24-30, 2008) highlighting the tall claims made by IIPM, I decided to check the internet for various information regarding IIPM. I found some more blogs regarding IIPM’s practices and tall claims, though I dont know whether they are reliable. You can check them for yourself:


Can anyone share their views regarding this?

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3 Responses to “IIPM a Scam?”

  1. 1
    Irreplaceable Says:

    Probably,they could have counted their chickens before they actually hatched :)

    Ads these days are often exaggerated.It’s like claiming that you have 5 rupees when in fact you have just a rupee in hand.Anyhow,this is just one side of the story.Let’s see what IIPM or its Dean has to say about it!!!

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  2. 2
    benjamin Says:

    what is the need for full page/half page ad in the paper every one now and then?

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  3. 3
    queen-of-nazgul Says:

    Yes IIPM is a total scam, my previous institute was adjacent to their’s,my close frens n rommies were iipmite,lewd coments were nt only fr ppl bt including em’. if u check out jammag url postd above, students fr this inst alone admit the total mess.
    their full fledge ads acros national papers r constantly luring prospective students specially fr towns n tier2 3 cities,including Aizawl,so we,whoever r aware bout these,its our duty 2 inform em’, espicialy mizos,right!
    unless u have a sugar daddy whos nt bothered to passed out 7 laks approx for an unrecognized programme, with a tough placement as students intake cap is huge,i wont recommend anyone to go ahead!

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