Sex Video vangin school pakhat lungawi lo

August 17th, 2008 10:51 pm by RTPA

Khatla Venga awm nula pakhat intiin school pakhat T-Shirt ha chung khera sex video a siam avangin he school-a thawktu leh zirlaite chu an lungawi lo hle niin thu kan dawng.

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50 Responses to “Sex Video vangin school pakhat lungawi lo”

  1. 1
    luliana Says:

    a va mak luai2 ve.. :) ka ti ve maidawn emaw ni :P

    Tak2 in hetiang lampang hi chu eng ang a kan mi rin pawh nise tih loh a tha berin ka hria, fiamthu pawhin..

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  2. 2
    amanda Says:

    Chu nula chu a hming te sawi law2 se,Rapper pa poh chu tunge maw ni re2 le??? mak thin teh e,rilru a na duh a ninawm bok,sualna lah pung tual2 kan hnam tlem te hi harchhuah a va hun tawh ve aw!!!

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  3. 3
    blackmagicwoman Says:

    ngati nge mawni pic/vid hi an lak kher zel le??? kanidar ang hian evidence awm lo tura tih mai tur a nia!

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  4. 4
    ThaiBoy Says:

    Kan en duhin kan lawm hle hlawm si a; Mizo Porn video te hi chang kang deuh hlek a siam law law chi niin ka hria!?

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  5. 5
    RTPA Says:

    a dik chiah han tran la thailand Boy :D nang mizo thai

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  6. 6
    father_sphinx Says:

    Leh ta bawk a!! buaithlak zozai ve…

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  7. 7
    nell_maiden Says:

    ni ngt mai..tlema fai ve deuh te,…dum ltk leh hmul deuh chher chhur chu luak a kuai.. :P

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  8. 8
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    a ho

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  9. 9
    ThaiBoy Says:

    @RTPA: chang duh chu awmse ka direct hreh lemlo”Cut change position ” han tih vel pawh a chakawm alawm le!

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  10. 10
    zodin Says:

    Mizoram chu a sodom sawt hle mai a tih zia lo ang reng a zahthlak mai mai a rukin en mai mai awm a nia, kan va la mawl tluang tak em.

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  11. 11
    RCA Says:

    Serc, i sex video kha ka thehdarh ve mai dawn?

    Sex tape siam hi chu engang pawhin intihhmuh nasa mahse ka siam ve nguar ang.

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  12. 12
    RCA Says:

    A siam lai tak hian a hrehawm vak loh a ni mai thei asin

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  13. 13
    RCA Says:

    Hetiang lam hi ka la tichhin ve lem lova, an sawi dan hian a hrehawm vak lo a niang. Mahse darkar 1 chhung a vawrtawp hi thleng ta se chuan luliana te pawh hi an lû a chik rut mai lawng maw?

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  14. 14
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    sikul fak nan a hmang ani ve mai a… :D kidding

    luliana: hman a i siam kha i la kawl lawm ni..intih lar nan post chhuai ang hmiang :D

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  15. 15
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Hman ah chuan thlalak hi nuam ka ti thin… ;)

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  16. 16
    Serc Says:

    Rc, kha tape kha maw? Delete rawh ka tih che… pawi lo… i lang ve tho. Akekek.. Daw zarrr

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  17. 17
    luliana Says:

    Pu HV : Thlalak nuam i tih lai a i lak kha ka nei ania aw :D

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  18. 18
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    luliana: lo tlangzarh lo hram la, chithlummum ka rawn hawn ang che. :D

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  19. 19
    Serc Says:

    Eu! Inthup in awm leh ta!

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  20. 20
    eka Says:

    Aw a va han ho em,ram changkan na chikhat a ni ve mai a lawm,rilru hi ti zau lo in, a tih a tih len tur lawm,ziau ziau ka va chan pui chak ve chu nu chu te ka tia

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  21. 21
    RCA Says:

    Hetilam zawnga ram tichangkangtu nih chu ka duh hauh lo

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  22. 22
    kanidar Says:

    Ni e, engatinge ni thla an lo lak kher2 thin ni… Mizoramah pervert deuh2 hi an lo tam tawh a ni ber awm e a..

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  23. 23
    ConstantineXX Says:

    an englo leh englo tha ve mai mai se, mi hmuh tura englo kher hi chu a englo mah mah.
    BMW comment : kanidar ang hian evidence awm lo tura tih mai tur a nia!
    ka la fuh bon bon

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  24. 24
    jemi Says:

    ka la tem chhin lo nang a, nglo in nglo hi cu atem toh te sawi atang ringot po hian sim ahar hmel :) mahse hralh sum a hman tur po nilo video a an la kual vel thin hi chu a fel lo ani..

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  25. 25
    Borat Says:

    In sex video a star hi gospel singer ani ve em le ? In huat thu lovah Gospel singer leh porn video hi an inhmeh tawh riau in ka hre tlat.

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  26. 26
    mystic Says:

    ni chiah…. ka hriat ve ah, Aizawl a thlalak mawi vak lo darh hmasa ber pawh gospel singer kha a ni tlat a … a fuh tlat toh lo a lawm :-)

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  27. 27
    wonderboy Says:

    A video te pawh han dah tel nghal law2 se maw le…heta a rem loh pawn blog ah tal…hehe (fiamthu)
    a video hi hmeichhia remtihna a tih chhuah a ni loh chuan a mipa zawk hian ngaihdam chu a dil tur ni awm zawk tak a ni.
    T-shirt hi a tum reng vang a ha ni lovin a hak laiin an lo ……..ta hlauh mai a, (tiang t-shirt ho hi chu awm mai2 lai a hak a remchang fu) ama remtihna tel lo in rapper pa hian a lo theh darh zuap zuap lehnghal a. School nei tute hian a hmeichhia zawk nilovin a rapper pa zawk hian a lo theh darh avang hian naihdamna dil tir zuah zuah zawk rawh se.
    …..tih lai khi kaniGOLDi hian a dot zat a byheart hman vek… :-)

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  28. 28
    muantea Says:

    Mizo sex vids/pics in rawn sawi apiang lo en ve tawh hnu a ni zel hi nuam pawh ka ti lo ee ee!!

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  29. 29
    Naupang^Fel Says:

    Va hre tha bik ve a.

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  30. 30
    spikey Says:

    Mizoram chu kan pui e, lar na chitin reng, a zai thiam te tan idol leh zostar etc a awm, a zai thiam em em lo tan local channel ah music video theh luh tawp, hna nei lo tan pawl din, politician tan inthlan a awm dawn bok, chu ta category la nei ve lo tan sex-video..

    Kha in duh bawk a PORN CLIP a chu. Mit tla dawn in en loh tur ania aw.

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  31. 31
    blackmagicwoman Says:

    Constantine, kanidar chu maw, a fox a lawm. super celebrity a nih vang hian evidence atan a chicks ho hian pic lak phet an tum thrin a, mahse a mah hian a duh ngai lo!!

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  32. 32
    Mr.Pervert Says:

    hmeichhia chuan mipa chu khing let ve se tha ang chu…. chawi tir treuh se nimai lom… ka en chak ve mai2 hle mai a… a performance leh quality hriat ve chakom alom

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  33. 33
    ConstantineXX Says:

    @BMW: Chutia lo, Kanidari hi live a kawm ve ka chak ngot mai, kan inmilh dawn riaua hriatna ka nei tlatssss. Nang pawh hian a ruk hian lo khawl ru ve treuh tawh lo mo? Tunlai thil awmzia hi a makin a nuam ve ang reng bawk sia ka hrethiam teh chai tawh lo ve

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  34. 34
    kanidar Says:

    Constantine: E, min van ngai ‘Lai hnuai’ raih raih ve… min hmu lang chuan i phu zawk mai thei a ni, ka hmelchhe lutuk hi :-)

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  35. 35
    ConstantineXX Says:

    Kanidar: in hmuh ni nghakhlelin ka ring ka lo fan trang2 tawh e…..

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  36. 36
    kanidar Says:

    Misual Intawhkhawm niah kan phu zuk dawn nia :-) mahse ‘Aieng Pack’ i ang in tih awih loh :-)

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  37. 37
    luliana Says:

    kanidar : bawkbawn lian hi i pawl mah2 zawk lo maw? :)

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  38. 38
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    luliana: in khua alum nuam hiat huat em. E ti daih ila…. GS road House piah lawk a… zu dawr building lianpui a mi kha enge a hming kha… Mizoram house op’ lam a mi kha? A neitu kha Biswajit Bhuyan a ni ang?

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  39. 39
    kanidar Says:

    @luliana: hahahahaha…. min van chhun awm ve.. :-)

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  40. 40
    luliana Says:

    @Pu HV a : dee dee wine shop em ni? lolzz..wonderboy an a hre chiang zawk ang a

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  41. 41
    kanidar Says:

    wonderboy chu lei turin an tir thin ami :-)

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  42. 42
    luliana Says:

    credit a la thei te pawh kan awm mawle :P

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  43. 43
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    concrete building lianpui hnuai ber ah…House atangin Ulubari lam kal phei a kawng lehlam… steel fence a building chuan a nei :D

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  44. 44
    kanidar Says:

    ‘Baat mei Pelenge’ ti ve tawp thin a ni maw, onederboi chu :-)

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  45. 45
    luliana Says:

    @Pu HV : i memory a va tha ve..mahse kan ngaihtuah a ka hre mai tlat lo :)

    @kanidar : “kali kali” a tia an hrethiam khawp mai :D

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  46. 46
    kanidar Says:

    a kali chu a porokhi; aha-hapta; aha-mahor fo lawng chu maw :-)

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  47. 47
    myself Says:

    muantea Says:
    August 18th, 2008 at 2:35 pm

    Mizo sex vids/pics in rawn sawi apiang lo en ve tawh hnu a ni zel hi nuam pawh ka ti lo ee ee!!
    lottery mai lo pawh a man thin anih hmel e :)

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  48. 48
    Darwin hp Says:

    Sex video siam hi kan intihhmuh ve ta niin a lang. Heng siamtute hi mipui nawlpuiin kan ngaih ang em em chuan an zak lem lo niin a lang. A thente phei hi chuan intihlarna emaw an ti hial ang chu mawle!! Lar chak ve hrim hrimte pawh hi awm ve theih a nia.

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  49. 49
    Darwin hp Says:

    School uniform ha chung khera hetiang video siam hi chu a tha lo tak zet a ni. A hak ang uniform ha naupang dang zawng zawng pawh kan en tleu phah vek thin. An school hming sawi rik apiangin hriatchhuah a ni fo bawk ang. School neitu lam hi an ngawi mai mai thei a nih chuan a mak viau ta ve ang. Hetiang intihhmingchhiatna lam hi chu ngaihthah mai lovin court thlenpui rap rap ngam a tha khawp mai.

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  50. 50
    Softwares Says:


    [...]Sex Video vangin school pakhat lungawi lo | mi(sual).com[...]…

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