Oscar Awards 2007 | Results! (i lang ve em..han en ve teh khai)

February 26th, 2007 3:40 pm by Goldmember

Best Picture | The Departed (a hmuhnawm thlawt mahse a tawpah kha chuan ka nuih a ti za deuh..!)

Best Director | Martin Scorcese Scorsese for the above movie (Pu Martin a Oscar award dawn vawikhatna ania.. ka lawmpui e – the Aviator tih te.. Gangs of New York atan te khan a la tawh lova …)

Martin Scorsese – PIC BBC.com

Best Actor | Forest Whittaker (he pa hi a chang thiam ka ti bawn a.. Species ah poh khan lo chang ve toh bawk a :) ) The Last King of Scotland tih film a Idi Amin anga a channa atan a la. (ka la en lo mahse ka en thuai ang…)

Forest Whittaker ; pic courtesy BBC.com

Best Actress | Helen Mirren (for her role in The Queen) ..lalnu leh lalpa in award an la ve ve!

Hellen Mirren ; pic courtesy BBC/Getty Images

for more results click here ..not on this one.. yes the one to the right of this arrow -> Oscar Award Winners

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36 Responses to “Oscar Awards 2007 | Results! (i lang ve em..han en ve teh khai)”

  1. 1
    superstrr Says:

    Leo la lo ziah mai hi ka rilru hi a va han na tak e….he deserve the award

    a hrim2 ah a hmelthat zong ang hian sap ho hian an la tlat a….acting hi chu a thiam thlot a ni….hui..ka rilru a na thlot a

    nikum poh khan Aviatorah khan a chan that ziaaaa kha

    A hrim2 ah hepa channa hmuhnom loh a om lo…who is eating gilbert\’s grape atang toh in

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  2. 2
    Goldmember Says:

    nia superstrr i sawi cuh a dik.. mi hian Titranic vang khan an hre lar a.. film hmuhnawm deuh deuh ah hian a chang hnem asin Caprio-a hi chu!…
    The Beach te poh kha a hmuhnawm ka ti sin aw!..

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  3. 3
    Maimawm Says:

    A tawp a eng lai tak khan I nuih han ti za deuh tu part chu Goldmember…Mark Walhberg sarang bun kha mi? :P

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  4. 4
    BlackWhite Says:

    Martin Scorsese receiving the best director Oscar from Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas was the icing in the cake.
    George Lucas-an Oscar a la hmuh loh thu an sawi vel pawh kha :)

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  5. 5
    Goldmember Says:

    @Maimawm – thats one .. plus .. um dont wanna reveal the ending.. okay ill use a figure of speech.. everyone droppping off like flies.. kinda found that half funny!

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  6. 6
    J Says:

    I got to watch the 1999 Best Picture just last month so I’ll probably watch all of the above circa 2014

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  7. 7
    superstrr Says:

    @goldmember, ka rilru a lo na em2 a, lolzzzzz…but i get wht u mean

    marky mark kha awww…va han che tha tak

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  8. 8
    mami Says:

    Best picture hi a tha ka ti khop mai..awm ngawt mai

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  9. 9
    Goldmember Says:

    1959 best picture Ben Hur poh 1990 vel khan ka en ve chiah! ho ee!

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  10. 10
    virgochhas Says:

    “Could you double-check the envelope?” a tih kha…van sweet chiang tak…ka Lawmpui bon bottol…

    Leo in a la lo leh pek kha chu a na deuh hlek…

    Ellen DeGeneres kha duhawm lutuk bok….

    Scorsese kha HIT ber mai…a award present tu te lah kha an bon hlom…

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  11. 11
    Lapin Says:

    ka lung a oi lo he film ending kha:( agree with u virgo.. a chan na thiam ka tih ber mai chu Basket Ball Diaries ah khan a ni.. he pa leh Tom Hanks hi chu an van chang thiam tak em..

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  12. 12
    virgochhas Says:

    Lapin, whats eating gilbert grape te poh khaaa….

    Titanic a chang kha chu a inchhir ve ngot ang…cute boy tag hi a awrh deuh tlat phah alawm…mai mai sala…

    nikum Oscars ah khan giselle bundchend a ron hruai ngeiii kha…tun kum chu hmeichhia a hruai lo mawni…

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  13. 13
    ammi Says:

    movie mumal taka ka en lohna hi kum li vel a ni tawh ….hehehe

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  14. 14
    Lapin Says:

    Virgo, whats eating gilbert grape kha mo, thiam over.. khi pa khi mi ang lo si a hmelthra e ka ti thrin :) a changthiam thlot a ni he pa hi chu..

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  15. 15
    virgochhas Says:

    Lapin, kan veng tlangval ho pawn mianglo tak2 maw an ti nasa lawm…

    a chang thiam a ni…ti leh mai ang… :)

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  16. 16
    Anonymous Says:

    Trivia: This movie is adapted from a Chinese gangster movie called Infernal Affairs. The Chinese censors were not happy with the way the Chinese are depicted in the movie.

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  17. 17
    virgochhas Says:


    van awlllll


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  18. 18
    stupid_me Says:

    Leo chuan ol’faithful a va la ngah hmel ve sinners(misualho) zingah poh hian. Blood diamond kha hmuhnom ka ti kop mai, chuan basketball dairies ah pon khAN a thiam ka ti tho, A sufer vel kha a ang kop mai. Kha film ka en zoh atang khan drug adikte ka hmuh dan a dang vek.

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  19. 19
    superstrr Says:

    no denying that Leo is an great actor..one of the best..a real artist

    ka tran a nia ta a, hepa hi

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  20. 20
    senorita Says:

    LEO hi mak eee……tine lak loh ziah leeee…..keiph rilru na tlats….acting hi cu hneh chiang lommmm….DEPARTED leh BLOOD DIAMOND phei cuuuuuu…………

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  21. 21
    girl Says:

    To get an oscar u have to be ugly and emote really well. tak tak a, Leonardo chuan la la ve em2 ang. then he’ll get a standing ovation like martin scorsese:)

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  22. 22
    3d-lover Says:

    Does anyone know the result of the Great Indian Rock concert where three of our Mizo bands participated??

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  23. 23
    Goldmember Says:

    @3d – ask Blackwhite.. he was there at GIR… a hre chiang zawk angs

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  24. 24
    poisn_ivy Says:

    keichu blood diamond hmuhnomt fee chumi zawhak BABEL naupangte kha zung don mo k tia ….. daih a lolzzzz

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  25. 25
    Goldmember Says:

    kpoh Blood Diamond kha the Departed ai chuan hmuhnawm ka ti zawk tlat ta mi nih chu.!
    Police film ka en hnem tawh ltk vang aniang.

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  26. 26
    superstrr Says:

    I\’ve heard tht Magdalene gave a superb performance..thts all I heard

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  27. 27
    girl Says:

    GIR-ah chuan Atea of Supergurus/Boomerang kha TOIah an rawn fak kha. ‘Boomerang was a nice surprise, the vocalist rapped more than he sang….’ tih vel, hre chiang tawh lo. a thlalak te pawh an rawn tar. Samsei tawwwkin

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  28. 28
    3x Says:

    Magdalene’s vocalist used to be “my kid” when he was a young pup. He’s grown up well :)

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  29. 29
    mizotlangval Says:

    Tun kum chu movies a thra hlawm khawp mai.Ka en vek tawh a, ka kham thei chuang lo.Marty,cheers!!! a vawi rukna ah chuan a hawn ve ta anih hi.Mahse best actor atan chuan Peter O Toole kha ka thlan tur chu nise ka thlang ang.VENUS- en chiah ula he hrang hlui hi “Creative Juice’ hlir in a la khat zu nia.Thil dang chu a hul tawh viau ang:)

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  30. 30
    virgochhas Says:

    Nizan GIR chu Mizo crowd khan nuam kan ti ham ham ber in ka hria…

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  31. 31
    spikey Says:

    Queen kha chuan a dawng dawn sa tih a chiang i could have bet any amount..All the awards in US and Canada and Britian she swept it for best actress..kinda make me wanna watch it,..
    Chuan The Departed hi HK ho movie hmana ka blog hlui ka neih laia picture nen ka post “Internal Affair” tih movie an re-produce kha ania, oscar a dawng der mai chu ani sia haha lawmpui awm e..ngatinge mawni le Dicapricorna chuan a dawn loh aw, ka lo tran ve asin..mahse Foresta khi exposure nei nasa zok tlat..okay enuf of my own lil reviews!!

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  32. 32
    Ve maia Says:

    M sory i have to say so!ka rilru ana kan mizo hmeichhia call centre thawkte an awm dan ka hmu in.its realy terrible…

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  33. 33
    virgochhas Says:

    lolz @ Ve maia…engtin nge an awm a, engatinge i rilru a lo nat a…

    leh heh thrin mai chuan…Oscars soi lai lai a

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  34. 34
    danger levaquin zithromax Says:

    danger levaquin zithromax


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  35. 35
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Lang ve lo a nih khi..

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  36. 36
    angeles para colorear Says:

    angeles para colorear…

    […]Oscar Awards 2007 | Results! (i lang ve em..han en ve teh khai) | mi(sual).com[…]…

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