Clare Gillis-i ni 44 chhung an man thu

May 26th, 2011 1:30 pm by NotGood

Libya sawrkar leh hel ho indona kara Sipai hovin an man, Clare Gillis hi Freelance Journalist ani a, amah leh midang 2 chu ni 44 chhung Gaddafi-a pawlte hnuaiah jail an tang a, mahse dam takin an chhuah leh ani. An Photographer pakhat erawh chu silai kah hliam a tuar avangin thlaler-ah thi turin an hnutchhiah thung. A hnuaia link ah hian a chhiar zawm theih ani.

Calre Gillis

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Hemi ka rawn post nachhan deuh ber chu Gadaffi-a sawrkar a sawidan (observation) hi kan ram nen a inang phian in ka hria:

“Nobody wanted to take the responsibility. And I think it’s also a system that certainly breeds a lot of incompetence, and just reluctance to take any kind positive action. Because as long as things motor along in this very slow and very unproductive way, at least nothing’s getting fucked up,” she said. “It’s a chaotic society. It labors under this mental blight of nobody ever expects anything to work out. They don’t expect it to happen on time, they don’t expect it to happen in a speedy manner. They don’t expect competence.”

Enge in ngaih ve dan?

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10 Responses to “Clare Gillis-i ni 44 chhung an man thu”

  1. 1
    littlerascal Says:

    Okay tha e

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  2. 2
    littlerascal Says:

    Thlalera thi tura han hnutchhiah tawp mai chu aw!!

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  3. 3
    eL Says:

    e..ngaihhdan pawh ka nei chiah lo..:D

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  4. 4
    kiddo Says:

    Kan ram sawrkar leh Gadaffi-a sawrkar chu a inang deuh, NotGood sawrkar ve ve an ni.. :-D (Y)

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  5. 5
    no_nick Says:

    “It labors under this mental blight of nobody ever expects anything to work out”

    ziaktha vel mai mai oo… Kan ram kan sawi nen in ang tak ang maw…
    “It labors under this mental blight of everybody expects something to work out while no one wants to do the actual work. It boast of its vast intellect and fearless instinct but are now afraid to fight the system which is paralysed by some incompatible politicians… ”
    ti teh ang…

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  6. 6
    chawnghilh Says:

    An chhuah chuan a tha e.

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  7. 7
    NotGood Says:

    #5 no_nick: “..but are now afraid to fight the system..” (Y)

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  8. 8
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    ME kia bolenggi?

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  9. 9
    mifeltea Says:

    OT lawks….

    Hei le, misual dum ber ho an che leh ta…

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  10. 10
    levodopa Says:

    Clare Gillis-i chu ava khawngaihthlak lip lep ve aw, a haw pawr fap dawn nih hi…

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