Vanglaini Online Logo Design Competition

November 27th, 2009 2:47 pm by mystic

Vanglaini Official Logo thlak tum a ni a. Hemi atan hian Vanglaini Daily News Paper chuan Online Logo Design intihsiakna a buatsaih a. Vanglaini Official Colour `A sen chhunga a var emaw, a var chunga a sen’ emaw a siam tur a ni. Theme nei tha tak, simple tak a ni bawk tur a ni a. December ni 15 thleng design hi thehluh theih a ni a, a thehluh tur a ni.

Lawmman atan Rs 1000/- a ni ang.

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36 Responses to “Vanglaini Online Logo Design Competition”

  1. 1
    mygurl Says:

    lawmman a va beitham veeee

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  2. 2
    Pc-a Says:

    2nd lo ti mai teh u.

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  3. 3
    Sandman Says:



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  4. 4
    benjamin rualthanzauva Says:

    Mizoram flag a va ang ve :-)

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  5. 5
    mystic Says:

    khimi khi tuna logo a nia.. chuan khimi thlakna tur khi a ni ber

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  6. 6
    Sandman Says:

    Ka submission khian maw in thlak dawn? In van fel. Engtin nge cheng 1000 chu min pek ang?

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  7. 7
    funny Says:

    lawmman dawn lam chu ka kut ah lo dah phawt mai ruu. tiang design vel hi ka thiam vin leh tuuk ania :D

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  8. 8
    badboy Says:

    nih chuan funny chu tlawn tan teh ang,funny hi ka kawm ngaih zawng tak i nih hmel.ehem..

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  9. 9
    sillyBoy Says:

    A lawmman hi an va phal tam lo ang reng? Vanglainite chu an hausak teh reng nen!! Rs. 1000/- man velin an design sak anga an duh leh si lo mai ang a :D

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  10. 10
    funny Says:

    badboy keichu naupang fel ka nia.. :D akekekekek

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  11. 11
    funny Says:

    Nike swoosh pawh hi $35 lek a carolyn davidson design alawm le :D

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  12. 12
    Sandman Says:

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  13. 13
    badboy Says:

    funny, lawmman khi i dawn hlauh a min sem ve dawn chuan kei pawh goodboy ka ni tawh ang.hi..hi samja

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  14. 14
    badboy Says:

    sandman, i logo tur rawn thawh chuh..hi..hi. Cheng 2000, pek belh pawn an hmang duh dawn mi

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  15. 15
    funny Says:

    badboy but goodboy. ehh! keipawh funny_vanla_butnice ka inti ve thawr mai ni :D ka but nice tlek tlek ania a tak ah chuan. eweweweee..

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  16. 16
    Sandman Says:

    :D nia badboy, kan han ti ve mai mai a :D

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  17. 17
    Sandman Says:

    Heihi PHISS a nih duh hmel :D

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  18. 18
    funny Says:

    sandman engin nge i design a? eng software nge tha ang?

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  19. 19
    XaiA Says:

    Design ula,thla ka lo la zeih dawn nia :lol:

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  20. 20
    Sandman Says:

    CS3 mai mai ka hmang. Ka design ve thiamlo, mahse a nuam ve mai mai a, thil han chawk kual vel te hi. hihi.

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  21. 21
    PHISS Says:

    Sandman uang uang lo khan thra tak khan han design ve mai mai teh. Hahthlak hle mai. :lol:

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  22. 22
    Goldmember Says:

    [V] hi hmang ve mai ula :D ; tichuan TV ah “its channel V” an tih pawn.. Vangliani tihna lawm in ti tlat dawn nia.

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  23. 23
    keimah Says:

    Rs 10,000 tal an phal hunah ka la ngaihtuah ang e..! ;)

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  24. 24
    Sandman Says:

    ok ok Pu Phiss. Kha hei ve thung hi…

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  25. 25
    Gerrarda-pa Says:

    1. Rs. 1000/- man chu Paint hmangin design tur.
    2. Rs. 2000/- a nih chuan Pagemaker hmangin.
    3. Rs. 3000/- a nih chuan Photoshop 7 hmangin.
    4. Rs. 4000/- a nih chuan Corel Draw te pawh.
    5. Rs. 5000/- a nih chuan CS3 te hmang ta ilaaaa…. ;-)

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  26. 26
    meester Says:

    Vanglaini chanchinbu tih hi chuan Septic Tank khat ka hre chhuak ve ziah. Septic tank khat paih fai tih vel hi Zamtea Ramthar Veng khan a ti hmasa berin ka hria, tunge Zamtea chu ka hre lem hlei lova….

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  27. 27
    somosis Says:

    Graphic design hi awlsam deuh turah an ngai amaw ni le..nalh deuh tlawm deuh c a duh tih vel ani maw…
    Kei chu design tlakah ka ngailo, 10,000 tal tih awm ania..anih loh pawn vanglaini building room pakhat..lolzzz

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  28. 28
    chawnghilh Says:

    A thlawn pawn ka design chu an hmang duh hlei lo’ng e! :roll:

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  29. 29
    mzvision Says:

    Admin ho anga ka tihlan ve theih dawn loh chuan kei chuan heihi ka design ni mai rawh se

    x ………x …. x………x……. .x…. x x x …x……………x……….x.
    .x…….x ….x x …. .x x…. x . x …………..x …………. x x…….x.
    …x … x…..x …x … .x…x ..x ..x . …xxx ..x………….x…x……x..
    ….x..x …..x x x x …x….x..x …x……..x….x ………..x .x .x…..x.
    ……x……. x ….. .x.. x…..x x ….x.x..x..x .x x x .x .x ……x….x.

    Vanglani hi an vanglai tak ania auh ;)

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  30. 30
    As_Khiangte Says:

    Pu mz,i tawk nalh ltk, i lo creative hle mai, artistic tak a ni. :mrgreen:

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  31. 31
    kook Says:

    Ho e

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  32. 32
    mzvision Says:

    mi(sual) ho hi kan vanglai-ni kan hmang hlawm veka, mahse logo siam kher an tum hi trul ber pawh ka tih pui lem lo. a V lai tak hi hawrawp la awm ngai lo fiah fel si in ANGLAINI hawrawp in a zawm turin tih nise fiah kak sela ni beng-bung lutuk lo bawk se; chu chu thlang mai rawh se auh

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  33. 33
    ZerO Says:

    sandman logo siam chu leh! a V lai a nih duh hmel :) :-) Since 1978 te pawh tel se

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  34. 34
    changban Says:

    Lunglei lam ah vanglaini daily Newspaper chu Yesterdays Paper Ka ti mai.. Local news paper in anlo chuah vek toh thin sia.. Article chiah a chiar tlak.. :-(

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  35. 35
    meester Says:

    #29 line 3-na a mzvision in xxx a dah kherna chhan hi enge le?? Awmzia ril deuh te a nei em han chhui chiang teh u.

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  36. 36
    Mr. TSA Says:

    Sandman khi a sual a nih khi mawle! :lol: Ka’n nuih tak vak chu! :mrgreen:

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