This video. That video

September 20th, 2006 1:15 am by TheHumanBot

Youtube. Google Video. Yahoo video – I am wasn’t aware of this until some minutes ago. And now MS video

U.S. software giant Microsoft started the BETA testing period of it’s new site “Soapbox,” which was launched to compete with the popular “YouTube” internet site where video images are shared.

Google News

Soapbox on MSN Video is currently an invitation only beta

BlackWhite leh a pu te chuan Google style an copy chiang alom.

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3 Responses to “This video. That video”

  1. 1
    khumchikthei Says:

    Zanin chu first moodah ka cheng a first zel phawt mai teh ang. Admins min lo delete sak su aw.Heheh


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  2. 2
    dahminglem Says:

    kawngchuan sual4

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  3. 3
    dahminglem Says:

    in chu an fel4

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