Bob Dylan chawimawi!

June 1st, 2012 6:21 am by H.Vangchhia

Civilian hnen a US sawrkar-in chawimawina a hlan san theih ber, “Medal of Freedom” mi 13 US President-in hlante zingah zaithiam, hlaphuahthiam, musician, poet, leh artist ropui Bob Dylan a tel. Chawimawina dawng zingah astronaut John Glenn leh novelist Toni Morrison te pawh an tel nghe nghe a ni. An chawimawina dawn chhan hi saptawng takin, “for their sketching impressive contributions to society in intensely personal terms…” tih a ni awm e.

He chawimawina hi minung leh mitthi tawhte thlengin hlan anni a. White House East Wing khat ṭhap a awm mipui zingah President Obama chuan, “..Heng mite turu zia puanchhuahna ani a, mite’n hriatchian an duh a ni,” tiin, mimal tinte a “heroes” an nih thu uar takin a sawi bawk.

Obama then spoke of his personal connection to a number of this year’s recipients, calling them “my heroes individually.”
“I know how they impacted my life,” the president said. He recalled reading Morrison’s “Song of Solomon” in his youth and “not just trying to figure out how to write, but also how to be and how to think.”

The Medal of Freedom is presented to people who have made meritorious contributions to the national interests of the United States, to world peace or to other significant endeavors.
Other honorees:

—Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, the first woman to hold the job.
—John Paul Stevens, former Supreme Court justice.

—Juliette Gordon Low, founder of the Girl Scouts, who died in 1927.

—Shimon Peres, president of Israel, who is to receive his medal at a White House dinner next month.

—John Doar, who handled civil rights cases as assistant attorney general in the 1960s.

—William Foege, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who helped lead the effort to eradicate smallpox.

—Gordon Hirabayashi, who fought the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. He died in January.

—Jan Karski, a resistance fighter against the Nazi occupation of Poland during World War II. He died in 2000.

Huerta co-founded the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers of America. Glenn was the first American to orbit the earth. Dylan’s vast catalog of songs includes such rock classics as “Like a Rolling Stone,” ”Blowin’ in the Wind” and “Mr. Tambourine Man.”

Bruce Springsteen nen… Forever Young:

Thubelh: ka ziah lai hian fonz ka hrechhuak rum rum hairehai ;)

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23 Responses to “Bob Dylan chawimawi!”

  1. 1
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    A hman hmanin minlo vil-sak teh u khai :-) :-P

    1st ;-)

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  2. 2
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Thiam lemlo chung chung pawh a han lehlin hram a duhawm viau nangin, hun ka nei hlawllo a ni e. In rilru-ah inlo letling mai ania’ng chu :-P Ngaidam ngaidam

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  3. 3
    Hope Says:

    E khai! Lawmawm duh awm ve…… ;-) (Y)

    3rd :-P

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  4. 4
    Master Kim Says:

    Ka lo vil e.

    An phu hlawm em ka hre law, ram ropui meuhin chawimawi tlaka a ngaihte chu turu hlawm viau turah ngai ang.

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  5. 5
    chhangteval Says:

    Fonz-a post a ni lo..!!! are yaar :-O :-O

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  6. 6
    sheldon Says:

    Tukchhuah nuam vek u le (L)

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  7. 7
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Fonz a tel ve em? :-D

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  8. 8
    CFL Says:

    A bengvarthlak e. (Y)

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  9. 9
    muansakhi Says:

    A phu thlawt e, a hriat phak hleih loh hian ka lo lawmpui ve em em e. Keini tlangval senior chin tihloh chuan thangthar deuh chuan a hla pawh in hre ve phak ngut lovang a.

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  10. 10
    malsta27 Says:

    Lo lawmpui ve top mai ang (Y) (Y)

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  11. 11
    Jacka Pi Says:

    An ti har zawk hi ka tia! UCLA tih velah chuan an english lit.course ah khan Bob Dylan hi 1996 bawr vel khan an telh vel tawh (H)

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  12. 12
    Jacka Pi Says:

    An ti har zawk hi ka tia! UCLA tih velah chuan an english lit.course ah khan Bob Dylan 1996 bawr vel khan an telh vel tawh (H)

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  13. 13
    Lamji Says:

    Ropui. (Y)

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  14. 14
    Mx Says:


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  15. 15
    iL leoncino delle Fiandre Says:

    A awrh tir lai

    Jimmy carter khan desolation row hi american anthem ni se alo ti tawh thin.1978 Street legal album ah IS your love in vain tih hla ah khan hetiang te hi alo hrilh lawk daih tawh :-P ;-) :-)

    ….I have dined with kings, I’ve been offered wings
    And I’ve never been too impressed……

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  16. 16
    EmEich Says:


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  17. 17
    lushai_er Says:

    Fonz-a a lawm ang chu aw……Dr.Feelgood hi a reh ta khawp mai.

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  18. 18
    Chhuaklinga Says:

    A lawmpuiawm e (Y) .
    A video khi en a chakawm khawp mai, net muang lutuk vangin ka en thei rih lo :-( Net chak deuh hunah ka la en tho vang. (8)

    @15 khi Fonz nen an va inang em em, a phir pui emaw’n dawn le? ;-) (H)

    tren tren

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  19. 19
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Kanu hian zaithiam a ngainat hlawm nen Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley leh Pink Floyd hi a ngaisang zual khawp mai. Elvis chu ka chiang ngam lova, Bob Dylan leh Pink Floyd album te chu a nei kim vek ṭhin. (sawi mai mai)

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  20. 20
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Chhuaklinga #18 theih nise hmanlai cartoon an siam dan angin a video hi a pic mal malin ka rawn paste thla tur ania :-P

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  21. 21
    mamboihi Says:

    Lawmpui awm hlawm e. Bah Obama pawh nuam a tihhmel khawp alawm!! Bob Dylan hi a va tar ve tawh ve aw….

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  22. 22
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Bob Dylan hi a ngaihawm khawp mai. Marpara-II velah khan kan tãlho nasa thin a, lung lain.

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  23. 23
    Bodom Pautu Says:

    Thubelh: ka ziah lai hian fonz ka hrechhuak rum rum hairehai ;)

    Title ka chhiar rualin Fonz post anih ka ring a.. ka lo ringsual ni maw..

    Report this comment

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