happy birthday

October 16th, 2006 10:10 pm by zualtei

For he’s a jolly good fellow

Only 2 more hours left, but happy birthday, Goldmember. Hope all the really good things you deserve come to you this year :)

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21 Responses to “happy birthday”

  1. 1
    Goldmember Says:

    awww. im so touched.. =)

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  2. 2
    dear_diary Says:

    Awwwww… you’re welcome. But you owe me a treat if I ever stop by your place.

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  3. 3
    Goldmember Says:

    cal ah kan inah chaw i ei tawh kha.. lungawi rawh..

    somepeople think they can demand anything just by posting a topic on my birthday =)

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  4. 4
    benjamin Says:

    Happy birthday Goldy,

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  5. 5
    myself Says:

    hehe sweet sixteen nge charm twenty nge FUNNY THIRTY goldy……..ehhehe have a heps b’day

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  6. 6
    gingerbluff Says:

    the clock ticks 12 and its 16/10/2006 so here comes a verry Happy Birthday to u Mr Goldy.Many Happy returns of the day!!!!!

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  7. 7
    lovingangel Says:

    Happy Bathday Goldie!!!! May you have many more and may all ur dreams come true……Hope u have a bath at least on this day…..Big kiss to you.

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  8. 8
    ammi Says:

    happy birthday goldie

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  9. 9
    life10 Says:


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  10. 10
    virgochhas Says:

    Happy Birthday, Gawldmember…

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  11. 11
    HJ Says:

    Gold te hi ka nau kha a mi? anih chuan Happy Burp..oh Birthday….I lo nih loh pawn Happy Birthday tho…

    Ka tlai em le…Tlai pawn Happy Birthday…tho tho

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  12. 12
    BlackWhite Says:

    My Jolly good fellow, Happy B’day.. chukss, chukss! *smoooooch*!

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  13. 13
    Goldmember Says:

    UISA ah chuan 16th october a la ni thei mai thei on the East coast muahahhaahah

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  14. 14
    Goldmember Says:

    Sheng Khiu

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  15. 15
    Goldmember Says:

    Sheng Khiuu

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  16. 16
    Goldmember Says:

    Thang Gaw

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  17. 17
    Goldmember Says:

    Thun Gheu

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  18. 18
    Goldmember Says:

    deng you

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  19. 19
    Goldmember Says:

    i will need to follow up with you on the Big Kiss part…
    sheng kheeiu

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  20. 20
    Goldmember Says:

    somewhere halfway thro… i think.. im too old to remember actually

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  21. 21
    Sandman Says:

    Belated happy brokeback birthday bro! Better late than never. Did steve give u a good time on ur bday? or was it upstairs guy afif? or was it landlord? or was it neighbour Vicky? I’m sure those guys gave u a good time in my absence!

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