Top English publications

October 25th, 2007 1:31 pm by TheHumanBot

1) The Times of India
2) India Today
3) Hindustan Times

The fourth is The Hindu and Reader’s Digest is on the 5th spot of the top English publications in India. My source is this article from Business World.

So what do you read?

In Chennai, there’s no TOI. It’s the Hindu by default. In Mizoram, I think we get yesterday’s The Telegraph today. There used to be an agency next to Zote Bakery in Treasury Square. One had to go there to pickup his copy. How’s the scene today?

I have deep addiction for Business World. This happened because my B.Com roomate in college was a regular BW reader. After college, I buy it myself and continue to do so till today.

And those days in higher secondary and college, I also used to buy RD from second hand book dealers for 5 – 10 bucks depending on how new the issue was.

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7 Responses to “Top English publications”

  1. 1
    honey Says:

    Interesting! But would it be fair to compare the newspapers with the magazines? Content may more or less be the same, but they still are of different genres.. that way in the magazine category only, India Today would be on the top slot, with Reader’s Digest finishing second..

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  2. 2
    Val_brosky Says:

    Times of India bak hi chu ka chhiar meuh lo. Mahse, tun hnai ruah sur vak hnu khan chanchinbu semin kan in a rawn thleng peih tawh lo aniang kan tia, ni 3/4 lai mai kan hmu ta lo. Ruah a sur vak hi chuan kan in kawng chu ‘swimable road’ a ni thin a. :)

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  3. 3
    tetea_t Says:

    Ben, a dik khawp mai Chennai-a awm chuan the Hindu bak chhiar tlak a awm lo…

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  4. 4
    Maimawm Says:

    Reader’s digest ngaihnawm thin teh reng nen tun hnu hian tih tlak vak a awm ta lo…pawi ngawt mai.

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  5. 5
    benjamin Says:

    Wisdom te pawh kha, chhiar mai mai a nuam.

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  6. 6
    spikey Says:

    keichu India to Time ka chhiar :)

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  7. 7
    commieguerra Says:

    Bata bulah mount road ah khan latest time & newsweek 15 in a lei theih thla tir ah poh a hlui hma in ! a tha ber .I agree with tetea Chennai ah chuan HINDU bak chhiar tlak a om lo indian express thla 2 vel ka la a english poh a tih tlak vak loh

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