John Schlitt leh Stone Java concert

May 19th, 2008 2:06 am by mat402

May 18 saw the come back of John Schlitt here in Bangalore not with Petra this time but with a new band called Stone Java. It was a big success in terms of weather and audience response.

However, the late start (30 mins after the schedule time) was a disappointment coupled with no excuse or apology which would have been very appropriate.

Also, the audience was not given any chance to interact with John and the band which was a big disappointment. I believe it would have been very good if the management planned for a short time for the fans to meet the band.

Nevertheless, the concert went very well with the crowd singing along with the band on most of the songs.

I personally thought a John Schlitt-Stone Java combination was superb! I didn’t know the band was that cool. They played even the Petra songs with almost perfect performance as what the real Petra line-up would have. Cheers to the band!

Now, coming to John…it was just amazing how John, at his age which is close to 60, could still sing those hard rock high pitch Petra songs as well as his songs. Truly a rocker for Jesus Christ. I must say the songs especially from the Unfit for Swine album were sung very well. But as a Petra fan, I could hear many of the Bob Hartman guitar trademarks missing. After all Bob’s the man for Petra songs!

Anyway, it is good to know John’s still upto going full-throttle back on stage.

Zanin tlai khan Bangalore ah John Schlitt leh Stone Java ten gospel concert an rawn nei a. Beng leh mit a tlai hle. Tun tum John a rawn kal chu Petra angin a ni tawh lova. Amaherawhchu a rawn hruai band nen an combination a tha hle. Rin ai daihin an music play pawh a fel. John a chu a lo la zai thei hle tih a lang.

Fakselna han ziak ta mai mai ila, anmahni lam nge organiser lam a hriat lohva, tan hun ah an tan lo kha a pawi ang reng. Tin, tawngkam hnih khat leka ngaihdam han dilna thu te han sawi se a tha tur, an sawi ta mang si lova. A dang leh chu, a tir lam khan an keyboardist leh lead guitarist cable connection a chiang lova. A zialo hle. Mipui kal pawh rinaiin an tha tawk lo. A hnu deuhvah phei chuan Rs.200 ticket man en ho pawh kha Rs.350 ticket man ennaah an rawn phei tir ta vek a ni.

An performance lamah chuan Bob Hartman-a tel loh laia Petra line up ai pawh khan an tha emawni tih mai a awl. Stone Java hi an lo tha ang reng a nih hi. Petra hla leh John-a hla an rem danah a hriat. No Doubt leh Beyond Belief te phei kha chu an rem tha khawp mai.

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One Response to “John Schlitt leh Stone Java concert”

  1. 1
    mat402 Says:

    edit that hmain a lo in post a, a phuai deuh hlek ta a nih hi . Sorry guys.

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