Islamic group claims blasts, plots foiled in TN

July 28th, 2008 2:43 am by Henry Vangchhia

Chennai: Tamil Nadu police on Sunday claimed to have foiled plots to plant bombs across the state, specifically in Chennai and Tirunelveli, before August 15, and arrested one person in connection with the alleged conspiracy.

IBN Live

An obscure Islamic militant group warning of “the terror of Death” claimed responsibility for bombings that killed at least 45 people and authorities stepped up security Sunday after India’s second series of blasts in two days.

Yahoo! News

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3 Responses to “Islamic group claims blasts, plots foiled in TN”

  1. 1
    stevieg Says:

    Allah a pawl te ho chu aw,khawvel hi an van tibuai em..phai lama kan mizo unaute ho tan poh fimkhur hle a tha in ka hria.

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  2. 2
    zodin Says:

    huis HV a va ninawm ve maw le Pangngal ho chu le

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  3. 3
    Naupang^Fel Says:

    Msg ka dawng a – Msg from Chennai Police: Please don’t believe rumours, Polica has taken all necessary precaution for public safety. Persons emanating or forwarding rumours will be arrested.

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