Thil Post hi

May 25th, 2010 9:32 pm by Formerly Known as Fonz.

Thu tha deuh deuh mahni ngaihdawn te kan post thin hi a tha,  a lo chhiar tu tan pawh a nuam. Mahse “published” anih hnu a,  a post tute reh leh vang vang zel hi chu a ti nuam lo deuh, an “views” te kha rawn hnial duh an awm thei , chu chu rawn “counter” ve thin se  chuan ati nuam zual ang mawle. Ka ngaihdan mawl zet tha ti deuh in ka rawn post leh anih hi…

belh loks : nick pakhat ai tam nei hi an awm nual angem?

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61 Responses to “Thil Post hi”

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  1. 51
    XaiA Says:

    #1,Mahni post te chu vil mai ni lo,min engtin nge an sawi,min fak em,nge min sawisel etc tih hriat tum a vil char char a tha a,bakah zawhna te pawh awm thei a ni.
    #2. Mahni post a comment tam loh hlauh vang a post tu comment lang tam lutuk a awm chuan a zahthlak deuh roh thei thung ang.
    #3, Mi comment lo chhiar mai mai a,comment ve loh nachhan chu log-in thiam loh vang a ni thei ang(personal experience) :lol:

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  2. 52
    kawlhawk Says:

    Tunlai chu post ka submit hman tawk, ka vil hman meuh lo. Min hrethiam teh u’n.

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  3. 53
    mygurl Says: ka hriat hnu kum khat chuang mahah ka comment ve thiam chiah…

    #36,caribou: khian ka sawi thaim loh a sawi fuh e. comment hi chhiar a nuam, mahni chauhin ka nui thre reng nia :lol:

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  4. 54
    D_auachwgthu Says:

    #53mygurl sawi dik lutk, kei phei chu ka thiam na la rei hlei nem. misual. ka hriatna chu rei tawh mai. ka thian pa in min pui ta hlauha,ka duh duh ka sawi ve zuah zuah thei ta nih hi.mahse mit tha vak lo tan chuan film en aiin mit a hek zwk, kan bih hnaih vang aniang ka ring.

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  5. 55
    badboy Says:

    Vawin chu post thar avan awm har ve :) khua chhe bawksi ninawm pushaia kawrlum ang kha ka ha ve dawn mawni le :P

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  6. 56
    Jewel Says:

    badboy chu OT thei na tur post a zawng kual ni mau :lol:

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  7. 57
    Lersia Says:

    A post tu ngaihdan hi a theih chuan thil tha ber tur ani, mahse… kan ti teh ang… engtikah nge a chhuah tur tih pawh hriatloh… lo chan veng veng leh a lo chhuak tacheng anih pawh vil reng hi chuh… mi awlthawng hna deuh hlek ni in ka hria…

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  8. 58
    dr_feelgood Says:

    Nia, a chhuah hun hriat loh chuan sakuh ser nghah ngawt ngawt chu hman a har a lawm. Kei pawh ka post ve chhun pawh hi ka vil tha lo. A chhanpui ber chu hnathawk chunga ti ka nih vang ania, tin zan lam ah hian nupui te lak ah ka in thlahrung thin a, laptop hma a nuih vur vur te pawh hi chak awm viau mah se.

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  9. 59
    Kawnga Says:

    @Lersia & dr_feelgood : Kan post lo chhuah hun tur hi a hriat theih alawm. An scheduled tawh chuan.

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  10. 60
    chhangte_ll Says:


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  11. 61
    Mahuma Hmar Says:

    Post reng reng hi a post tute hian vil ve se, tichuan a hlu ngawt ang

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