Archive for the ‘Blogroll’ Category

Hey I got nude pics!

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

I’ve seen places, I’ve seen faces, but when I see websites or blog or any photo gallery that host/holds nude pics of mizo (or mizo related). I felt something inside which I couldn’t spake. Why would a mizo want to do such thing to his fellow mizos? Why would he want to humiliate the whole mizo community?

Many ‘nude’ mizo pics are just a fake, they are being manipulated or enhanced by any Photoshop (etc etc…) users. I’ve been collecting pics and videos of what people said to be mizo porn videos/nude pics. The main reason why I collected these videos are that I want to proof it whether its a fake or not. (father-a)


Monday, December 31st, 2007

In a small hamlet in the interiors of Lamka (Churachandpur) District, Manipur, a family of five is having lunch, sharing among themselves whatever meager amount of food they had. The smallest among the three siblings, aged four, obviously unaware of the hardships they are going through, utters, “Papa, why haven’t you get me any Christmas gift this year?” He looks at his wife and three children, wipes a silent tear and mutters to himself, “How long will our meager stock of rice last?”. He thinks about his better-off relatives who had migrated to Lamka. Deep down, he silently hopes for help to arrive from them.

Peih ta hrim hrim chu

Sunday, December 30th, 2007

“Tumna a san chuan tlakna pawh a sang” tih hi ka vawng lem lo nangin exam peih ta hrim hrim chu vanneih hun a awm hi ka ring tlat thin. Exam te hi chu awlsam te in ka tling tla a, pratical a awm pawn ka harsat lem lo. Interview mawlh mai hi a ni!!!! Aizawl mihlun kan ni lo bawk a, hmelhriat te hi kan han nei chau khawp a. Min interview tu turte hi chu an hmingte chu ka hre khawp, anmahnin min hriat ve loh hi a pawi ber zawk chu a ni. Pawl 10 kan zawh hlimte kha chuan interview te hi khur chungin kan hmachhawn thin kha a nia, tunah zawng ka tapchhak thian kawm ve thei tawh. Hrethiam mai em? Ka interview hnem tawh vang te pawh a niang.

Thunderbird – Vanneihtluanga

Friday, November 16th, 2007

They must have really hated me. I was standing in front of my house one evening when I was called aside and suddenly dragged into a waiting vehicle. Firmly blocking all exits, three of the men started pounding me heavily inside the moving vehicle. The reason? According to my tormentors, this was my punishment for speaking out against a certain person’s corrupt practices.

3rd Sovereign blogged

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

3rd Sovereign reviewed:

I still remember the spring-winter season of year 2002-2003,when an unknown entity from Mizoram came, played and conquered North India rock festivals with their stupendous style and musical prowess. The band talked about here is 3rd Sovereign and the highlighted competitions were Delhi College of Engg and BITS Pilani Whosoever, has seen them in that era (I being one of the lucky few), or at the recently concluded Resurrection 5 festival in Mumbai would agree that they discharge-energy with unmatched stamina and eagerness to stretch to limits

Guwahati Mizo Sports

Monday, November 12th, 2007


Guwahati Mizo Sports 2007 chu GMWA Sports sub-committee te kaihhruaina hnuaiah November ni 9 leh ni 10 khan College of Veterinary Science ground, Khanapara-ah neih a ni.

Guwahati-ah hian Mizo hi engzat vel nge awm?

Once upon a time in Mizoram

Monday, November 12th, 2007


More pictures :

MyToday sms news

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Thanks to this blog post of Lal – “Get them contents right on your mobile“, I have been receiving MyToday sms news for the past few weeks and I really like it. Having tried the service for a good few weeks, I really recommend you subscribe too.

Free Burma

Thursday, October 4th, 2007

Free Burma!