MyToday sms news

October 10th, 2007 10:30 pm by TheHumanBot

Thanks to this blog post of Lal – “Get them contents right on your mobile“, I have been receiving MyToday sms news for the past few weeks and I really like it. Having tried the service for a good few weeks, I really recommend you subscribe too.

May not be news to many but I find it quite useful and hence I am sharing. In a day, I get 1 or two messages containing 2-3 news titles in brief. MyToday also offers Quiz, Bible , Jokes and Word.

The only way I see MyToday promoters could make money is the small ad at the end of each message which has a number you could sms for scrores (cricket ?) where the service provider shares revenue with the mobile/Telecom operator (Correct me if I am not exactly right here. But I know some revenue sharing happens). Perhaps, LPS and Zonet should ask for the same (revenue sharing) with Telecom provider (BSNL?) for Mizo Idol, Youth Icon sms voting since a lot of traffic gets generated because of the contest. Or are they already doing? We don’t know? While you and your folks (whom you have asked to vote for your favourite) idol are messaging your vote, the mobile operator (BSNL?) and Zonet/LPS could be making good money.

This (ad at the end of the message) is not annoying to me and it appears at the end of the message.

The is article “Did Idol get 900 SMSes per second?” would give an idea how much revenue the Indian Idol generated from sms.

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11 Responses to “MyToday sms news”

  1. 1
    father_sphinx Says:

    How often you receive news sms??

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  2. 2
    benjamin Says:

    Once or twice

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  3. 3
    myself Says:

    zawt tu ; nikhat ah average in phone call eng zah nge i dawn trin?

    sailova ; average in phone call ka dawng ngai lo. :D

    zawt tu; nikhat ah average in sms news vawi eng zah nge i dawn trin?

    ??? ; once or twice :D

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  4. 4
    hmelthatea Says:

    I subscribe news, bible, and word. he he, its very useful and ofcourse its free ;)

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  5. 5
    samuelapa Says:

    Ni tin Bible keua chhiar peih lote tan chuan subscribe mai hi a tha tho mai. :)

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  6. 6
    superstarring Says:

    I have been receiving sms from MyToday for the past one year

    I subscribed to Bible verse..received everyday

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  7. 7
    me_myself_n_I Says:

    ka subscribe thin a, ka phone ka ti bo daih a.. activate leh mai dan ka se toh si lo va.. poi khop mai… min lo silh teh u… eng # nge kha….!!!

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  8. 8
    benjamin Says:


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  9. 9
    SiLent_Man Says:

    Yeah… keep subscribing!!! :)

    LPS did not get any share of the SMS revenue generated by Youth Icon. I believe they even pay for the Demand Channel phone lines which generate so many calls.

    I don’t understand why they don’t fight for a share.

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  10. 10
    SiLent_Man Says:

    According to the comments on the rediff article… it’s 90 sms per second, not 900 as stated on the article. I wonder how many sms the Youth Icon and Mizo Idol (will) generate(d)?

    ths kinda value added service is big bussiness. Cricket world cup lai pawh khan score update pack subcribe tu kha 20 million vel a ni daih. Average in cheng 90-100 man zel ang vel a ni bok. U do the math :)

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  11. 11



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