Is Mizoram the cancer Capital of the World?

December 13th, 2006 5:46 pm by bawngboy

Maybe not, but it does have an unusual HIGH Rate of Cancer.
I would be surprised if you told me if you never had someone close die from cancer.
Okay. i DO NOT have a medical Background. I am like you just another guy who has questions and don’t know who to ask…

Are Chhinlung people more prone Cancer?
What do People in Mizoram do different to have a cancer rate so high?
Yes tobacco consumption is higher, Is this the only thing or are there other factors?

I feel Cure for cancer is just a myth. The Treatment is hard on the patient, You could see it in their eyes that they know they are slowing dying. For once I feel that the Mizoram Government is doing its best, they just don’t have the resource to carry out an extensive research on this. You must realise that a lot of money goes into the treatment of cancer patient. As there is no proper infrastructure to treat cancer in Mizoram patient have to be referred to places outside the state. As most of the patient are in a family of or are themselves Government Employee so the Government pays for the Treatment. (And that is why I am thankful to the Government of Mizoram)

Any back to the questions, what are the other factors?
1. Is the Rice that comes to the state contaminated with pesticides? (They mainly come from Punjab and the rice is usually surplus and the worst of the lot)

2. Some of the vegetables come from Meghalaya. The Meghalaya Soil is rich in minerals. Meghalaya is also known to have deposites of radioactive material (Uranium). Are the Vegetables from Meghalaya over rich in minerals?

Yes I know that does not explain why the rate Cancer in Meghalaya is significantly lower as they eat their own vegetables and rice that comes from Punjab. Ya well read on..

3. Most of the household utensils are still made from Aluminium (think of the ‘Marcha Rawtna’ too) could these utensils be contaminated with cancer causing materials and are slowly contaminating the food?

4. What about the sweet mountain water that the mizo are so proud of is it over rich in minerals?

Hey what is your favourite dish?

Mine is ‘Vawk Sa’ and I think it is the state dish. right

5. Vawk sa means a lot of fat, and I think the excessive fat in the body hold these cancer causing materials longer to start causing cancer in the body?
(((Meghalaya being a colder state the fat that they consume get used up faster and should cycle change faster than people in Mizoram.)))

The thing they say about ‘Sa Rep’ causing cancer is really lame.

But who am I to say.. I do not have a medical background… I am just the jackass Bawngboy.. What me know???

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23 Responses to “Is Mizoram the cancer Capital of the World?”

  1. 1
    father_sphinx Says:

    I would be surprised if you told me if you never had someone close die from cancer.

    Pathian zarah keini chhung hi cancer vanga thi an la awm lo. Kan vannei thlawt. Kan vannei chhungkua a ni e, heti lamah chuan…i lo surprise mai thei a.

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  2. 2
    G-Wiz Says:

    Sa-rep can cause cancer if charred. So can excessive consumption of anything burnt. Its not the consumption of any fat, but consumption of certain fats such as TFAs or Trans Fatty Acids. The most predominant cancer in Mizoram is apparently Stomach cancer. Mouth ulcers are common because of consumption of betel nut and tobacco juice. Lung cancer and heart failure are also common due to a history of smoke inhalation. Another well documented carcinogen that is common in Mizoram is asbestos, because of the predominant use of asbestos roofing used. It is responsible for lung and skin cancer. Also, spices can get easily contaminated during storage and shipping, and is also another factor that easily gets overlooked.

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  3. 3
    Anonymous Says:

    Please don’t keep me under moderation.
    It sucks!! I promise to be good.
    bawng boi

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  4. 4
    Anonymous Says:

    very nice

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  5. 5
    beckyalan Says:

    keini chhung poh tumah cancer vei kan awm lo,oathian zarah kan vannei khop mai

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  6. 6
    girl Says:

    Well, yeah, cancers of the stomach, which is relatively rarer in other parts of India, is common in Mizoram. This is also seen in South Asian countries like Japan, etc. The culprit, they believe, is the amount of fermented food we eat, and also the sa rep. Ajinomoto has monosodium glutamate, which is also carcinogenic. So yes, our diet does have a lot to do with the high cancer rate.

    Also, the nasopharyngeal and oral cancers are rather high because of (huiham) smoking, chewing of betel nuts. When you combine alcohol with smoking, the risk increases a lot. They complement each other, so if you want to smoke, quit drinking. Or if you want to drink, quit smoking. Atleast.

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  7. 7
    J Says:

    Ka sawi zing ve ta mawlh2 hei hi chu but here we go again…. all smoked foods are carcinogenic. Meikhu hi carbon monoxide hlang ang a nia, i eitur i khuk hrep tir chuan chuan…..a ni mai.

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  8. 8
    J Says:

    The thing they say about ‘Sa Rep’ causing cancer is really lame.

    Clap clap…you get my Stinka Jara Wina Day award for most uninformed person of the year.

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  9. 9
    bawngboy Says:


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  10. 10
    kauboy Says:

    roby i lehkha tur raymond te inah la thleng thin ania

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  11. 11
    Jinx Says:

    Anonymous wrote:

    Please don’t keep me under moderation.It sucks!! I promise to be good.bawng boi

    Sori bawngboi, can’t help being amused :) You remind me of a spoilt brat under punishment….

    Btw, do u also go by the nick kauboy?

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  12. 12
    bawngboy Says:

    no bawngboy is all i have used so far that is before i got blocked. and i have only been here for a day you see…

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  13. 13
    Silent Man Says:

    Eat lots of fruits and nuts, and a glass of red wine eeuryday

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  14. 14
    Anonymous Says:

    Lehkha a? Khoi atangin… Delhi atangin mi?

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  15. 15
    Anonymous Says:

    bawngboy”roby” mail tur raymond choolaimedu ah a thleng eeeeeee

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  16. 16
    Mizopa Says:

    Girl and G-Wiz – I fully agree with you. It is the carbon, esp. in the charred sa rep, and other stuff like hmarcha rawt (where you burn the chillies first) + tui bur, kuhva, zarda, khaini etc etc……

    We can also see that there are very few cases of cancer amongst the mizos living outside of mizoram.

    Zu hi in teuh2 i la kan dik vek mei ang… !! *LOL*

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  17. 17
    G-Wiz Says:

    To add another corollary to your theorem, you should quit drinking alcohol if you want to quit smoking, because alcohol makes you want to reach for the cigarettes if you already are a smoker.

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  18. 18
    hriatloha Says:

    Tropic of cancer kan hnaih vang te ani thei ang m aw…

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  19. 19
    Cone Safety In Depth Says:

    The Travlers Insurance Co

    The Travlers Insurance Co
    Cancellation Health InsuranceThe Travlers Insurance CoCancellation Health Insuranceusb to game port converterIf you are forced to delay or leave early for a trip, traveler insurance provides a coverage on the losses occurred t…

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  20. 20
    neOnduck Says:

    For Statistics You can contact PBCR (Population Based Cancer Registry)located @ Dept. of Pathology, Civil Hospital, Aizawl.

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  21. 21
    neOnduck Says:

    Or You can just ask me! Most likely reasons for high rate of cancer in Mizoram;

    1. Very high (Highest in India)number of smokers (incl. Female smokers)and high consumption of other tobacco products.

    2. Food Habits – smoked meat & veg, Um (Saum,bekang etc)

    3. Genetically prone (esp. Stomach & Oesophagus cancers -perhaps much like the japanese)

    4. Too many faux-Christians!!!! (Very scientific indeed!!)

    5. A long list of Etcs!

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  22. 22
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Em em zel a!

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  23. 23
    Strange News Says:

    Strange News…

    [...]Is Mizoram the cancer Capital of the World? | mi(sual).com[...]…

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