What we learned from school

May 23rd, 2007 2:06 am by TheHumanBot

If asked why we go to school, possible answers are –

*To get a job
*That’s what people do
*My parents sent me
*If I did not go to school, what else would I be doing?

Whatever is the reason, I don’t think anybody regrets going to school.

When you were in school, did you ask yourself why we study maps, Mathematics, countries and capitals, names of vegetables, the highways in the country etc?

Looking back here are practical instances where I am grateful to the education I received in school.

Where did you for the first time learn the follow?

1) The Earth is not flat
2) Three fourth of the Earth is covered by water
3) The direction where the Sun rises is called EAST.

And other basic Geography, Science, Math, Language.

From school or from your elder brother? May be both.

When I landed in South India for the first time in 1998, on the way to Trichy from Chennai we passed through several waterless rivers. I was not surprised. Because in high school geography we learned that rivers of South India are not perennial. Whereas rivers in the North are because they are fed by the melting ice of The Himalayas.

I accompanied Lalremruata Kullai (Topper, HSLC 96 Dec) along with a teacher to LPS studio for his interview. We sat in the lobby waiting for Pu BTS (Biakthansanga) who was to interview him. Among us were also other people sitting. When they learned the state’s HSLC topper was sitting right there, a woman spoke up “Subject zawng zawngah letterhead a hmu vek a ni law mi! (Didn’t he get letterhead in all subjects? Then intended question being if the topper had scored letter marks (over 80) in all papers)”. I felt pity for the woman. Obviously she was not educated.

A lot of people I’ve met here in the South just don’t know where Mizoram is. I would ask what did they study in school? I don’t expect them to know a great deal of my state but I expect them to at least know that it is one of the states of the Union of India., if they have been through school.

By the way, it was not fun memorizing countries and capitals, states and capitals. There’s got to be an interesting way to do this with children. Perhaps, ask a student from a different state where he comes from. Pick another to locate that state on a map.

I also often think why we were taught the names of fruits and vegetables from books alone. Teachers can take students to the market or to somebody’s kitchen and show them this is carrot, this is tomato, this is ginger. Wouldn’t that be fun? It could even serve as practical exam for kindergarten kids.

We also learned how to write different kinds of letters. Basic hygiene. Grammar. Wasn’t it interesting to learn for the first time where to use have and has? Where to add “s” to a verb? And lot more things we now probably take for granted.

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2 Responses to “What we learned from school”

  1. 1
    sawmpuia Says:

    Ngaihnawm hle mai Remruata Kullai hi kan jr a nih hi Delhi ah a awm in ka hria. Kan ram pawh hi literacy raet sang viau a Chuti chung chuan kan economy in hmasawn lam a pan chuanglo! Kan thiamna hi a bookish lutuk nge a practicle lo. Exam hall piah lam a hman tur zirna a ni si a.

    India ram philosophy thupui pakhat “hriatlohna hi min awp bet tu a ni, hriatna thiamna chuan chu mi lak atang chuan min thlah zalen thin” tih kha kan ramah chuan kan zirna hian ala vai veng tak taklo ni in a hriat.Kum 1990 Jomtiem Thailand-a “The World Conference on Education for All” in zirna in a tum a sawi, ” Zirna pawimawhna chu- nunkhawchhuah theihnan te, zirlaite an mahni a thaber thurchhuahnan te, rinawm tak a nunphung an hman theih nan te, an nun mai nilo ram hmasawnnan an lo hman theih nan te, ngaihdan hrang hrang in hlan chhawnna leh nunho hi a ni” a tih te kha atakin hmang ve thei ila kan ram pawh khian raltiang ram kan kai ve thuai ang.

    He thuziah hi misualah chuan a la tha ber mai thei a ni, mak ngawt mai tumah hian an chhiar thalo leh comment pawh a awmlo hi a ni. heta tang hian zirna kan ngaihdan chu a hriat theih awm e :-)

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  2. 2
    khawpuia Says:

    kg naupang ho exam dan or zirdan khi that hmel fu… choka ah ding thap maise heihi bawkbawn,mai,antam etc.. A chiang duh ngawt in ka ring.

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