Lamka a ni zawk

September 29th, 2007 10:47 am by tka

Kan pi leh puten duh tak a “Lamka” tia an lo hming vuah sa tunah chuan Official Record engkimah “Churachandpur” tih a ni zo vek ta! Hmanah kha chuan “Zenhang Lamka” emaw “Hiangtam Lamka” tih ani thin. Mahse a hming dik tak pawh pu thei tawh lo turin hnam lian zawk leh thunei zawk “Meitei” ho in an siam ta!

Hemi chungchang hi i ngaihtuah ngai em? Mizoram mi tam zawk chuan Churachandpur hi a dik emaw kan lo ti thin a, a nihna tak tak kan hre lo. Chuvangin a hming dik tak “Lamka” tih hi hretlang ila, kan thil tihna leh kan thuziak engkimah Churachandpur ni lovin Lamka hi hmang zawk ang u.

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96 Responses to “Lamka a ni zawk”

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  1. 51
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Lal: Lamka hi Lamkhai atanga lak a nilo tih hi ka hre chiang bal. Keivom e vom love…a pian hma daih apiang Mizo historian te pawn an rawn thin ka pa pa J.Manliana pa (Mankebaia pa) M.Laldailova(L) 1890-1992 khan Paite tawng atanga Lamka ti a phuah a nih a sawi thin. Mahni hming pawh Mizo tawnga ziak duhlo/thiam lo tawngkam thiam ziah nazawng hi ka pawm zawng a ni miahlo kei zawng. Keivawm nge Keivom Mizo hawrawp in a sipel dik? keivawm chu enge….Black Panther hi Mizo tawngin keivawm a ni bawk…hnam hming lo pawn.

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  2. 52
    Lal Says:

    Mizo trong chu eng ber hi nge ani ang? ‘Vom’ leh ‘Vawm’ hman thuah ngaihdan a om nual – ‘o’ leh ‘aw’ grammer/pronunciation thuah. Mahse hei hi ‘Mizo’ trong ‘diktak’ hmangtute zingah an buai ve lo nimai thei. Keivawm/Keivom chu black panther a ni, an pahnam/sub-clan hming ron chhuakdan History poh an nei nghe nghe ka ring.

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  3. 53
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    “O” hi Mizo tawng chuan “au” tia lam tur a ni a “aw” hi English in “O” an tih anga lam tur tih chu Mizo tawng zir thin A,AW,B hria chuan kan hre vek in ka ring. CHuti a nih chuan Keivom chu Keivaum ti a lam tur a nih chu. hahahahhhaa. Keivawm hnam pian dan chiah hi ka hre lova Zorun khan a hre maithei amaherawh chu hnam hming hi phuah chhan nei vek a nih angin keite chikhat keivawm nen enge maw chu an khai khin emaw an phauh chhan ngei chuan ka ring. Kawlni in Colney ti a dik lo taka an sipel ang hi a ni e…No offence intended…but this is an honest truth.

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  4. 54
    Lal Says:

    I hre sual zawk nilo maw? “O” hi ‘Mizo’ trong chuan, “Au’ niloin, “Ou” tia lam rik tur ani zawk lo maw? Mahse “Ou” ti poh hian a lamrik dan hi a dik vak chuanglo niin ka hria. Keivawm hi Keivom an ron hman nachhan ber chu ‘O’ rit vang hian a ni [INTONATION] Chumi bakah a thluk a poh (pawh) eng enge mawni kha an soi bok (bawk) niin ka hria. Ka hriatsual lo chuan, hmanna khan Pu HT Sangliana’n he O leh AW thu a hian LELTE Weekly ah voikhat a ziak tawh bokin ka hria.

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  5. 55
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Ka sipel sual a nih kha mawle “O” chu Mizo tawng a lam chuan awu ti in sipel ila a dik tho awm e…mahse O hmanna tur leh aw hman na tur hi Mizo nih chuan hriat a tha ngai e. Tun lo haw lo se, Pu HT Sangliana ziah pawh nise Mizo tawng dik a a ziah si loh chuan kawngro engmah a tu love. Tin, Keivawum.keivaum a ni ngai lova ( a lam dan) keivawm a ni e. Keivawm hi hmelhriat ka nei ve nawk a, Keivom ti hian tuman an sipel ngailo bawk. Dik tak chuan inti enge maw ho hian an hnam sipel hi an ti danglam ni ber in ka hria…phai a seilian English hming emaw rawn nei haw an sawi ang deuh hian an hnam hming te hi an sipel sual nuai ta mai zel ni in ka hmu….Mahni tawng thiam loh hi thil zahthlak ber te zing a mi ni in kei chuan ka ngai bawk.

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  6. 56
    Lal Says:

    Eg. in Haw leh Ho hi a lamritdan a inanglo bakah, a soi tum ber poh a kawk hi a dang daih ani. Mizo trong han ti hian, Mizo hnampui hnuaiah hnam hrang hrang kan om a, trong khat chauh kan nei lova, kan thumal bakah (a thren in an tho siin) kan lamrit dan threnkhatte hi a inanglo hlom bok ani, ti hi kan hriat a poihmaw ani. Chuan, O hi Awu tia lamrit hi a dik ka ring vaklo. Kan lamritdan hi a dangdai ve hrim hrim a, roman alphabet ah omlo teh a om vang khan kan A, Aw, B siamtuten thluk sei, leh t(.) teh an dah reng ani. Kan trong ho hi kan ti hmachhawn nan chuan trong hi a dynamic ani ti ka hriat a poihmaw a, thiamna a zau toh a, keimahni zingah hian mithiam kan ron awm tran taa, kan mithiam ten chumi kan trong ti hausatnan chuan research puitling tia, kan trong lamdan tur leh kan alphabet dik dan tur tak min zonchhuah sak hi a poihmaw kati hle ani. Chumi tur chuan, tunah kan alphabet poh hi thlak thei tura kan ngaihdan poh siam a ngai mai thei. Mahni trong hlut hle sia, mahse kan trong ti changkang tum chuanglo a, hmana tranga kan hman tawh ani a vangin kan thlak hi a thianglo tih hian kan trong hi a ti vul ka ringlo. PU Sangliana ka ron soi nachhan chu, kan zingah chhiartute an lo om ve takin kati vanga ka ron belh ani. O leh Aw chauh poh hi a interesting viau ani. Kan zingah hian Linguistic lampang zir han om se, ron thawh ve se kan hlawkpui hle ka ring.

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  7. 57
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    mawl hle mai

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  8. 58
    Awzzman Says:

    ha hai……….eng ti kongzong mah in CCPUR hi LAMKA ani dawn chuang lo….kei chu IBOBI a hi ka support..akekeke.MLA 2 kan nei a..engmah an ti ngam chuang si lo…meitei ho hnuai ah kan la om don chuah a ang………huihaaaa.INsuih khawm hi i thupui ber zok ang uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.CCPUR ah chi tlem te(zohnahthlak)kan om a..kan in do reng a….kan mol em mai.Bang chi dan a leeeeeeeeeeee

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  9. 59
    tka Says:

    Kei paw’n engti kawng mah in CHURACHANDPUR ka ti ngai dawn lo! LAMKA ka ti reng dawn! IBOBI Support i nih chuan i nihnaah i chiang lo hle! Meitei ho in an bum a zo tawh che a nih ka ring….

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  10. 60
    tka Says:

    Awzzman a dik zawk i hre reng si a, a dik lo zawk i la hmang duh reng a nih chuan nangma thu a ni. Nakinah chuan LAMKA a ni dawn tho tho. LAMKA a nih loh pawhin CCPUR chu kan paih dawn khawp. Lo en mah rawh GREATER MIZORAM anih hunah chuan CCPUR hming hi kan paih dawn khawp mai…

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  11. 61
    Awzzman Says:

    nia eng tik ah tak greater Mizoram hi nei ve i maw?tiin suangtuah na mithlain ka thlir thin…mahse kei val lungmawl a hi chuan-tun dinhmun ang a kan la kal chhoh zel chuan Greater MIZORAM kan neih hi ka ring hlol lo!tun ah CCPUR boruak hi sawi ngaih na pawh a awm lo…rotekawla sepa no din(an ti em kha)an tih hi kan iang in ka hria.Cowboy vanglai kha kan ang riau a sin.CCPUR life hi!Hotu nih kan in chuh luih2…..!silai nen ro kan rel,Chibing politiks sang lutuk hian Greater Mizoram kan neih tur pawh hi a ti thuan up zo in ka hria.kei chuan CCPUR hi ka hmangaiha MIZO awm na piang chu MIZORAM a ni…tih ah hian ka chiang e.NIa meitei ho hian min bum a tawh zo a nih hi…U nau leh U nau min in sual tir a….an politiks hi kan man pha ve si lo…..lungrual taka kan awm chuan kan hneh dawn a ni tih an hriat a vangin….kan hnam pasaltha(ti mai thiam mai m?)lungmawl ho an dawi aaa a……huiha.Nia greater Mizoram chu kan la hmu khawp ang…mahse khua a tlai hman ang tih a hlauh om khopmai.amen

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  12. 62
    tka Says:


    I sermon thiam khawp mai ni e! Lamka boruak leh manipur boruak reng reng saw! Sawitu nih pawh a hlauhawm lek lek a alawm? Eng vangin nge kan unaute an buai an buai? Eng vangin nge mi pawisawi lo tamtak an thih tak? Kum 1997 KUKI – ZOMI buai kha eng vang ber nge? Hriat chhuah theih loh hial khawp leh chhuichhuah thei loh hial khawpin a reason a thuk a ni! A bulpui ber chu Meitei ho an ni lo thei lo! MIZO i hmangaih a, MIZO ah i chiang tak tak a nih chuan kan unaute i hmangaih ve turah ka ngai! Chuvangin, IBOBI Singh support tih vel chu sawi tawh lo teh ang! Kan unaute tawrhna a rapthlak tawh lutuk! Engtin nge kan tih tak a? Meitei tawngin CHURACHANDPUR kan la ti zel ang a maw? Nge ZO Hnahthlak tawng ngei LAMKA kan ti dawn? In ngaihtuah chiang teh khai?

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  13. 63
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Lamka ah chuan Ka Pa Sangzuala ( Sudden Muanga phuahtu)kha zawt rawh u a rawn tlak khawp in ka ring…kan luhlul hlawm si…mi thusawi a nagative zawngin lak phet kan tum nge, hre zawk nih in in chuh a…Zorun te anga tawngkam thiam ni velo keini ang tan phei chuan a dik ngei tih hriat pawh kan sawi chhuak rinawm ve thiam love lmao.

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  14. 64
    tka Says:

    Zawh ngai tawh lovin, LAMKA hi a hming dik tak chu a ni e. Churachandpur chu tuna ‘Mission Compound” an tih hi a ni e. Tin, LAMKA tih tawngkam hi MEITEI tawng atanga rawn piang a ni awzawng lo! Paite tawngkam dik tak a ni.

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  15. 65
    Awzzman Says:

    eih Lamka hi paite trawng maw?ka ta rei sei……ka hre ta…Lamka hi paite trawng(an phuah)a ni si chuan..eng nga ti nge tunah ZOGAM tih hming hi kan hriat tak fo….CCPUR hi LAMKA pawh chu lo nise…MANIPUR ram ah a awm chhung chuan…CCPUR an la ti tho ang….kei tiam lovin..hehhe.over to you….

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  16. 66
    tka Says:

    ZOGAM chu a la piang lo! I hriat zau duh chuan en mai rawh.

    Lamka and “Lamka-ites” on the bank of Khuga (Tuitha)
    Located southwest of Manipur (India), Churachandpur District covers an area of 4570 km². In fact, it is the largest district within the state of Manipur. The district mainly has hilly terrain except narrow strips of valley which support wet rice cultivation. Churachandpur town, locally known as Lamka, is the district headquarters. Lamka (literally meaning “converging roads”) is the second-largest town of Manipur, next only to the state capital, Imphal. So, Lamka is called the “second town” of Manipur and remains the fastest growing town in the state. The urbanites of Churachandpur town are sometimes called “CCpurians” or, more accurately, “Lamka-ites” (since CCpur connotes the entire district population).

    True to its name, Lamka is the convergence point of the Tedim road and Tipaimukh road (forming part of National Highway 150). Established by Zenhang Valte and Phungkhothang Guite in 1930, it was also called Hiangtam Lamka in earlier times. [1] That was because the British used Tedim road to suppress rebelling villages (during World War I or “Zou Gal” in local parlance) around Hiangtam village near the Indo-Burma border. Tedim road was expanded as a part of the British war efforts to connect Imphal with the Burmese town of Tedim during World War II. Tipaimukh road (NH 150) connects Manipur with neighbouring Mizoram. (The road is still under construction despite security problems).
    Before WW II, the Lamka valley was a tiny, mosquito-infested village on the west bank of the Tuitha (Khuga) river. The indigenous tribes traditionally survived on jhum or shifting cultivation on the hills surrounding the Lamka valley. They simply avoided the malaria-prone Lamka valley till the introduction of wet rice cultivation sometime during the inter-War period. The neighboring Mizo (Lushai) tribes – probably from Champhai valley – were credited with the introduction of wet rice cultivation in the area. A Thadou legend has it that rice grain was first discovered in the nest of a squirrel beside the Chindwin river (Shaw 1929: 29)[2]. Though paddy cultivation took off only in the 1930s, knowledge of this grain was as old as legend among the Chin-Kuki communities.

    Here the shift from jhum hoe to paddy plough in the 1930s was nothing less than an agricultural revolution. For the first time, the availability of surplus food led to the birth of specialised services which sustain a tribal township in Southern Manipur. With this division of labour emerges a new tribal middle class — merchants, shop-keepers, pharmacists, clerks, contractors, civil servants, clergy, teachers and bankers — who populate the provincial town of Lamka. Since then this little hamlet called Lamka expanded towards the west bank of the Tuitha (Khuga) river. Note that “Tuitha” literally means “good river” in Lushai dialect. Henceforth, the river valley ceases to be the haunt of killer malaria, dreaded as a “malignant spirit” in the past. In recent years, urban sprawl put pressure on land, resulting in price hike. It led to the loss of agriculture land to housing sites in order to accommodate new urban settlers. This process will increase CCpur’s dependence for food grain on outside supply. Given Manipur’s fondness for bandhs and blockades, the prospect of increasing dependence on external food supply seems none too exciting.

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  17. 67
    galngam Says:

    eheu! kan chhiar phots ang e :)

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  18. 68
    maitekhuak Says:

    My reply to Lal:

    It is true that there are many tribals in Churachandpur , and some prefer ‘Lamka’ to ‘Churachandpur’ for some reasons and some also prefer another name(s). Churachandpur is a microcosm of various tribes. Despite their similar ancestral origins and cultures, the different tribes have their own agendas and political aspirations. In fact, there is mutual distrust and suspicion among these tribes. So much so that whatever one tribe did, it is looked upon by the other tribes with suspicion. The name Lamka is the name given by the founding fathers of Lamka, Pu Zenhang Valte and Pu Phungkhothang Guite, both of whom are Paites. It is therefore natural that some tribes will prefer the name Churachandpur to Lamka as they feel that the name imposition of the name Lamka signifies a form of domination of the Paites over the other tribes. Communal feelings run so high in Churachandpur that even some of the original inhabitants, knowing full well that Lamka is the original name, would choose to accept the name Churachandpur (or for that matter Tuitaphai as argued by Lal) which was imposed by the valley people. However the proponents of the name “Lamka” have no such petty politics in mind, they are only demanding the restoration of the original name of the town.

    I would also like to counter Lal’s argument that Lamka is not a Paite word and a corrupted version of a Meitei word. The word Lamka is very much a Paite word. It is actually a combination of two words “Lam” and “ka”. The word “Lam” means road and “ka” signifies a point of divergence/separation. So the word Lamka means a point of divergence of roads (or convergence if you look at it the other way round). In fact, the Tedim Road which runs through the heart of Lamka town diverges into Tipaimukh Road and Sugnu Road near Lamka Police Station and that is how the name “Lamka” came into being.

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  19. 69
    galngam Says:

    ka hmuh ve dan chu:

    suangpi (songpi) leh saikot hi tuna lamka chhehvel a kan settlement hmasa ani. (@whatever. sugunu is too far away). suangpi hi thado (haokip) khua, saikot chu lusei leh hmar khua. heng khua te hi tuna ccpur kan tih nen hian khaw khat ani lo a, khami hun lai phei kha chuan hla tak leh khaw hrang daih an ni. tunah chuan a inzom vek toh a tihtheih a, khokhat a veng hrang atih theihta. saikot lamin tuitha kam a phai zawl om chu, tuithaphai antih ngei a rinom a, a dik poh ani ang. a lui hming tuitha tih poh tui=water, tha=good hi lusei tong emaw, hmar tong emaw ani ngei ang. hnial tur a om lo.

    mahse tuna a thenin lamka tih ah an duh a thenin churanchanpur an duh zawk khua tak hi chu zenhang khaw sah (old bazar vel) leh phungkhothang in khaw a sah (tun a mualveng) -zenhang lamka tih leh hiangtam lamka tih lo thanglian lo in merge ani zawka, a kho hming lamka tih hi a fuh zawk leh pom om zawk in ka ring. lamkhai tih vel l. keivom lehkhabu emaw ah ka hmu tak a. mahse record lo dah hmasa kha dik ber tihna ani chuang lo thei. lehlam ah chuan historyte hrimhrim hi chu a ziaktu in a duhdan a ziak a dah [put in writing] masa anih chuan a dik leh ril ber a ngaihna chu a om thei khop mai.

    suangpi (which becomes mission compound/churachand) leh saikot hi kan settlement hmasa ani tih kan pom rualin, tuna lamka khua tak hi chu zenhang leh phungkhothangte khua lo thanglian, lo merge ani tih pom thei ila, kan thubuai chu a fel mai ka ring.

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  20. 70
    tka Says:

    Full Support Maitekhuak

    You make it everything clear now! I think no further explaination is needed beyond what Maitekhuak had explain.


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  21. 71
    Frankenstein Says:

    Lamka tih chu paite tawng chu ani ngei, mahse Lamka (churachandpur khawpui) khi chu Paite tawnga ‘Lamka’ tih atanga lak chhuah chu ani lo tawp. Tin tka hi a mawl em mai, in awkhlum tlak a ni, ramhnuaiah tumah hmuh loh turah a ruang ramsa in an ei ral vek ngei2 na turah va in awkhlum daih rawh se.
    Dawrpui Veng chauh khu mi Aizawl kan tih dawna, nge Khatla chauh. Nilove, Dawrpuite, Khatlate, Chhinga Veng te chu Aizawl city/district chhunga veng/khua pakhat chauh ani zawk. Chutiang bawkin Lamkate, Tuibuangte, Saikawtte, Rengkaite, Singatte, Thanlon te chu Churachandpur district a khua/veng anni chuah xawk. Lamka chu Churachandpur Khawpui ber, CCpur shopping center ani e tih hi TKA kha laina hrilhin ka rawn hrilh ani e. Churachandpur a piang leh sei lian chuan kan hre chiang xawk ang chu tiraw, tka. Nang CCpur i rawn kal hnuhnun ber 1993 mo? A zahthlak lutuk, mi A i nih loh pon mifing lo tal chu i niang.
    Mi rawn chhan let leh phei chuan Mihring poh i nilo aniang.

    Damtakin awm xel la…i ngaituahna chak tak khan engtin nge Mihring ka an ve deuh ang tih hi lo ngaituah ve la i hlawkpui zawk ngei ang.

    Kan unau Naga ten kum Sawmnga chuang Greater Nagaland an sual tawh, tun thlengin an la hmu lo. chuvangin greater mizoram chu i sawi i sawi ve lo ang. Chutiang sawi sawi ai chuan LALPA CHU RING LA, A THU AWIH LA, KA THUSAWI HI ZAWM LA MIN RAWN CHHANG TAWH BAWK LO LA, I NGHEI LOH NAN TAIMAK CHHUAH LA, MIROPUI AH IN DIN CHHUAH TUM LA, TICHUAN I RAM LEH HNAM HIAN KAN TANGKAIPUIIN KAN CHHAWR XAWK ANG NGEI ANG CHE.

    Fing hle lo mah ila, keimah ang tala finna hi i lo neih ve theih nan Pathian hnenah ka lo tawngtaipui dawn che nia.

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  22. 72
    Lal Says:

    the comments makes be LOL, they are so naive to be even read (my mistake) =)). we really lived in ‘our world’.

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  23. 73
    Lal Says:

    btw, Zenhang Valte not Zenhang Varte? =))

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  24. 74
    Lal Says:

    Guys study our ‘very hard to find’ collective undistorted history. Wikipedia is ‘dumb’. Study also the waves of our settlements, how we are pushed, how we fight among each other, and how we first came into ‘Churachandpur’, and what is also our ‘political aspirations’ today, and also each of the unique ‘cultures’ of the Zo ethnic tribes by which many things can be understood by why they stand for for why they stand today.

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  25. 75
    tka Says:

    Frankenstein a ve na deuh ve…..

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  26. 76
    tka Says:

    Kan ziah sual leh pek chu le

    Mr Frankenstein a va na deuh ve…

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  27. 77
    tka Says:

    Mr Frankenstein

    Lamka a piang leh seilian i nih chuan Pu Zenhang Valte thi tawh mahse, a fapa te an la dam a, an inah va kal la, va zawt ang che. A proof na thlalak leh lehkhabu thlengin an lo SHOW thei ang che.

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  28. 78
    tka Says:

    Mr Frankenstein
    “Lamka tih chu paite tawng chu ani ngei, mahse Lamka (churachandpur khawpui) khi chu Paite tawnga ‘Lamka’ tih atanga lak chhuah chu ani lo tawp.”

    Paite tawng atanga lak chhuah a nih loh chuan eng tawng atanga lak chhuah nge? Min lo hrilh la? Tichuan, mifing i ni thei ang!

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  29. 79
    tka Says:

    Mr Frankenstein

    Thudik hriat tum leh hailan tum a hetiang hi rawn post ka ni a, mimal hmuhsit na leh mimal “mawl” tih tum avang rawn post ka ni reng reng lova. Thudik in hria a nih chuan a proof na nen ka email ah min rawn thawn ta che thian a Mr Frankenstein (mifingpa)!

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  30. 80
    tka Says:

    Frankenstein fing i inti bawk a? Ka zawhna te i chhang thei a nih chuan i la fing leh zual ang! I chhanna ka ngak reng e!

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  31. 81
    tka Says:

    “Mi rawn chhan let leh phei chuan Mihring poh i nilo aniang.” ka rawn chhan let i van hlauh hmel em em ve?

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  32. 82
    tka Says:


    Lalpa ringte chuan mi an sawichhe vak vak thin a ni maw?

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  33. 83
    Awzzman Says:

    hahah Lamka a hi kei Ccpur ei voi…thei ta hia,……..lompa

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  34. 84
    Frankenstein Says:

    Nangni ho hi chu in rilru hi a na hma thei ltk a….ka hlauh vang che nilovin, min i fin loh zia an hriat zua zel ka hlauhthawn pui vang che mole…tka(MIFINGVAK LEM LO PA)

    Tichuan Lamka chu i duh leh lo ti paite mai mai teh, ZOGAM anih khi, MIZO nilovin ZOMI ho chenna….I nihna ka hre nghal mai, an mizia poh i nei…ka sawi tam lo mai ange, churachandpura MIZO hovin kan thil tawrh zawng2 te, kan unau hnam dang lakah abikin, ka sawi kai hmaiin. Chuvangin, MANGPHA!!!AN NEK LIIM!!!!

    Thil pakhat chiah, kei chu LAMKA a seil lian ka ni lova, Churachandpur a sei lian ka ni zawke.

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  35. 85
    tka Says:

    Ka zawhna e kha i chhang ngam dawn na nge(MIFING PA)? Thudik i hria a nih chuan rawn au chhuah pui la, thudik hria duh vanga rawn post ka ni ka tih tawh kha!

    Thudik ni a ka hriat chu huaisen takin ka rawn auchhuah puia, ka lo hre dik lo deuh a nih pawhin min lo hrilhfiah turah ka lo ngai a! Eng vangin nge maw mimal taka mi lo hriata mi a ang hial khawpa min lo chhuah mai e! Ka mualpho na tur a nih paw’n i tan eng nge a pawina vak le?

    Lamka a nih lohzia i rawn proof ka ngak reng e. Ka email ah engtik lai paw’n mi lo thawn thei ang.

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  36. 86
    tka Says:

    Ka keyboard hi a chiang kuang lo lutuk a, a chhiar dan i thiam ka beisei.

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  37. 87
    tka Says:

    Mifingpa min va chhang leh har ve.

    “Tichuan Lamka chu i duh leh lo ti paite mai mai teh” i tia, eng angin nge maw LAMKA ka tih Paite theih ang? Lamka hi tih Paite theih a nih chuan a tihdan ka va hre duh ve aw??

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  38. 88
    vatawkbawp Says:

    hahaha ka nuih a ja Frankenstein tua bang ding hi ei haha!

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  39. 89
    vatawkbawp Says:

    boring eeee chhiar a peih awm loh sei hlawm si te ti vel i la mahse in taimakna hi a ngaihsan awm…ngaihdan in an loh vang a in personal attack vak hi chu ching lo i la….eg: Frankenstein an tka hi inawkhlum mai rawh se a rawn tih ang deuhte hi…..where is boss spikey??

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  40. 90
    galngam Says:

    ni e personal attack hi chu omlo thei hram se ka ti kei poh

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  41. 91
    benjamin Says:

    Right. We are watching.

    @Frankenstein: What we want here is a good discussion. It is obvious that not all will have the same opinion. But telling somebody to hang himself is totally undesired. Therefore, do avoid this in the future.

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  42. 92
    hmelthatea Says:

    Frankenstein te ang hi chu ngaihdan siamthiam a ngai tihna a nih hi. tk, rilru tina reng2 suh

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  43. 93
    spikey Says:

    Helai chu a va heps ve. Paite hnam ka nia mahse zahthlak tak maiin tawng ka thiam lo tlat. Chuvang chuan hriat loh zawngah hi chuan lo in rawlh ve lo mai ila a thra ka ti keichu hihi..Mahse kick tur an awm chuan ka lo kick ang hihihihi..goodluck with the discussion almost reaching 100!!

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  44. 94
    tka Says:

    Chhantu ka nei tawh lo emaw ka lo tia, in lo la awm a ni maw? Thanks!

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  45. 95
    maitekhuak Says:

    Lal: I am not referring to wikipedia as proof of the authenticity of the name Lamka. Many people are still alive today when Lamka was named to tell the tale. I based my writings on facts, not some cock and bull story concocted by some vested interests.

    Frankenstein: This is a public discussion forum. If you can’t stand the opinion of others you better not take part in the discussions. This is a place where ideas and opinions are discussed and disseminated, not a place where personal attacks are hurled at each other.

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  46. 96
    TuaiSialA Says:

    He post chu a hot asin aw..

    Chhawrthlapui.. Aw zan lalnu.. Ka insum zo thlawt lo.

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