Tonight’s full moon is the Hunter’s Moon

October 25th, 2007 4:12 pm by samuelapa

moon, samuelapa

Tonight’s full moon is the Hunter’s Moon. It’s also the closest and therefore biggest full moon of 2007. No matter where you live, all of you will see a large and full-looking moon all night tonight. You’ll see the moon rising in the east around sunset, highest in the sky around local midnight and setting in the west around sunrise.

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7 Responses to “Tonight’s full moon is the Hunter’s Moon”

  1. 1
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Unfortunately, it’s raining in our area and it’s suppose to stay this way…thru out this week…So….no moon, only dark skies for us :(

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  2. 2
    GirlNextDoor Says:

    BLEEP. Is that Mizoram? I’m so BLEEP homesick…

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  3. 3
    samuelapa Says:

    More pics here:

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  4. 4
    clliana Says:

    Hmanlai va ngaihawm thin ve, Tlangnuan vengthar ah guitar nen thla eng hnuaia kan zai thin lai te kha, MS-a te in ngeiah khan…

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  5. 5
    benjamin Says:

    I just had a good look at the moon. Doesn’t look any bigger

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  6. 6
    samuelapa Says:

    On how to determine that the moon will look bigger, experts said: “stretch your hand and keep your index finger towards the moon which will usually cover the apparent diametre of the earth’s natural satellite. But on Thursday and Friday, the moon will appear slightly larger than the index finger, this is one way to prove the big full moon.”

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  7. 7
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    clliana : Ka hre hrim hrim ang che a…tunge maw i nih le MS-a te i sawi chuan lol……thla en hi chuan lui kallai Tlawng lui tih vel nise anuam ka ti.. a reh ruih mai a a eng ruai bawk a…han zai lawng lawng mai bawk aila, min ning tu awm heklo…ran nung lah an ri ve nawk nawk bawk nen…choir tha tak enge maw ti zawng chuan kan ni mai…nuam ve deuh a ni

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