Referral Hospital vangin Catholic ah inlet lo

April 2nd, 2008 12:07 pm by virgine_gal

Roman Catholic Kohhran Christ the King Cathedral chuan thuchhuah siamin, Mizoram sorkarin Falkawna State Catholic Hospital tur Catholic Kohhran hnena hlan a tum vangin Falkawn leh a chhehvel khaw thenkhatah kohhran dang atangin mi 49 Catholic ah an in pek phah nia Assembly House-a Pu Lalrinliana Sailo MLA in a sawi leh chanchinbu thenkhata lang chu thu belhchian dawl lo anih thu an tarlang.

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11 Responses to “Referral Hospital vangin Catholic ah inlet lo”

  1. 1
    Vladimir Putin Says:

    Aseembly House chhunga dawt sawi hi a serious fu asin.

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  2. 2
    solomon_n Says:

    “Politician are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even when there’s no river”

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  3. 3
    Chingal Sa-um Says:

    minister ho thukhel hi a chang chu a nawiin a te thei ka ti. State pakhata minister meuh ni pha ve tawh te thu buaipui leh sawi atangte hian kan dinhmun chu a hriat e. Ho e.

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  4. 4
    keimah Says:

    Referral Hospital vanga an hmai bal phih fai nan Catholic kohhran hnenah hlan an sawi mawi mek emaw tia, chutia Catholic kohhran tana thu ngaihnawm lo zet zet chhak chhuah leh si te chu a va mawl zual thlak ve le…chubakah an thu hi a nep lu tuk..ti ila tuna kan MLA/Minister ho hi chuan hetiang thu nep te te khelh vel hi an inhmeh tawk lek reng a ni..!

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  5. 5
    virgine_gal Says:

    keimah dik chiah a lawm

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  6. 6
    Puii Says:

    Engnge maw thunawi a awm ka ring tlat kei chu……Pu rinliana hian dawt hlang chu a sawi ka ring lo deuh tlat mai…

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  7. 7
    Aryan Says:

    Duhleh inlet sup sup ang hmiang, Catholic kohhran te chu an hosa tren tren a lawm. Sawrkarin engmah mipui te hmasawnnan tih a tum silova, mipuiten hmathatna an hmuh theihma kawng a nih chuan Hindu ah te pon an la in let ta veng!

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  8. 8
    virgine_gal Says:

    lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Aryan i comment hi ka tan ltk

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  9. 9
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Ram tan tha tur Catholic chu an thawh tir emaw ka tia…a hming hliauna tur an lo dap tel tho bawk a ni maw. An theih loh an hnawm a, an hnung ah chil an chhak a maw…

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  10. 10
    chhana Says:

    Falkawn Chheterral Hospital. Buaina khua i va’n ti sei tak em!!!

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  11. 11
    ZerO Says:

    Pu Rina sawi hi 90% a dik. Catholic Kohhran atangin eng emaw beisei avanga inlet an ni deuh vek. Thenkhat chu an awmna Kohhrana inkawm ngai lem lo te an ni bawk a. An zinga family 1 chu Kohhran nei lo an nia. An fanu’n biak in hawngin pasal a nei a, KTP in hla an rem lo a, an titau a, Pres atanga chhuak an ni awm e.

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