The Obama Nation

November 14th, 2008 8:54 am by olterandy

The article on India Today reads “The Obama Nation”. But the word that came to my mind was ‘abomination’.

The use of Abomination as seen in Wikipedia – In Daniel’s prophecies in Daniel 11:31, it is generally interpreted as referring to the fearful calamities that were to fall on the Jews in the time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, saying “And they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.” This Bible concordance for the term can also be seen here

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3 Responses to “The Obama Nation”

  1. 1
    Borat Says:

    Yes, they can, and did elect an African-American (quite a mouthful so ‘black’ must suffice) man as president. But they possibly could not:
    1. Defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda
    2. Halt the economic decline of USA
    3. Rise and rise of China and Russia
    4. Entry of illegal immigrants from Mexico and drugs from Colombia
    5. Gun vilence and school killings in Amerika.
    6. Global climate change.

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  2. 2
    Viking Says:

    Borat, spikey leh Aryan an an rawn chhang chak ngawt ang che :)

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  3. 3
    islander Says:

    @Borat you are right, also the US whites and Republican can’t stop African -American becoming President that may perhaps be the reason why “abomination” Can we decipher as the nation of Obama or Obama is going to pollute the US Presidency. Will he be “Choak Arawn chang tawn ang” or “Not matching”

    Well I for one donot like Obama coz he knows how to speak but no experience, let him continue to practice law. He has his big mouth only and will lead US in wrong direction in abomination.

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