Few facts about Swine Flu

August 13th, 2009 9:31 pm by Alejendro

1) Swine flu, that is H1N1 flu is not new, first detected in 1987.

2) Infective stage of flue is 5 days, 1 day before and 4 days after onset of symptoms.

3) The best way to prevent it spreading is asking patient having symptoms of flu like fever cough and running nose to take rest at home for 4 days so they do not transmit it.

4) Masks are of limited value if any, in this disease, it can spread through droplets on your skin, through contact etc.

5)Death after H1N1 flu is not common, infact infections like measles is taking toll of thousands more every year, and we are oblivious of the facts. Swine flu is being blown out of proportion by media trying to create hysteria among lay people.

6) Fever accompanied by respiratory distress, should be immediately notified which is likely to be a complication of H1N1 flu.

7)The mortality is less than .01 percent of those affected, that means maybe one in 10,000 affected is likely to suffer the life loss.

8 ) If you remember, 2 years ago SARS was blown out of proportion, what happened? Humans develop immunity to the virus, the same is going to happen, we develop immunity in due course of time, the virus is in the air, you can not stop it, our body is already developing the immunity so nothing to panic.
We need to take care of children and elderly who have less immunity and do not let them go to crowded places that is all.


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76 Responses to “Few facts about Swine Flu”

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  1. 51
    zualbonez Says:

    Swine flu + bird flu = Blind flu

    A pahniha kai hian a dam hmak theih

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  2. 52
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    eidt hman loh hun a awm tho turah ngai ila. hairehai…


    EDIT ka tihna ka edit lo mai ang hahahaha :D

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  3. 53
    benjamin rualthanzauva Says:

    @samuelapa: wc. Pu HV-a chu personally in kan hrilh :-)

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  4. 54
    Sandman Says:

    lolzzzzzzzz @ samuelapa! :D

    Nia Pu HV, nangmah ngaihtuah vang liau liau a Benan he option hi activate a ni e. “Ka comment kha min lo…” tih vel mail pawh kan dawng tlem phah mah na… :D

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  5. 55
    Lily_parmawia Says:

    Misual adm. ho kan nghah hlelh em2, mahni comment edit theiha in siam hi ava tha emm…

    Kan edit nghal paaang ange.. Ava nuam eeeeeeeeemm..:D

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  6. 56
    samuelapa Says:

    Ka chhusual lui ngat ang a, ka’n edit thra vel mai mai teh ang :D

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  7. 57
    remruata_01 Says:

    Doctor kan ngah te chuan an hriatna te mipui hmuh theih in han pho chhuak sela,insum reng lo khan han thailang hram hram teh u..tun atan kan mamawh anih hi.Bible in “nang malsawmna ni ang che” a tih ang khan in thu ziak atang in malsawmna an dawng thei asin!kha kha rawngbawlna chi khat chu a ni e…

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  8. 58
    VaiVa Says:

    Khai khai khai Swine Flu EDIT in tum e lo?

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  9. 59
    father_sphinx Says:

    Diklo deuh deuha edit leh hnuhnawh awih loh. lolzzz

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  10. 60
    VaiVa Says:

    Pu HV a te leh Alej a te comment chu an edit leh hmain lo screenshot zung zung a ngai dawn nih hi! :P

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  11. 61
    chawnghilh Says:

    Thàwkkhat lai khân Blair-a nupui pawh SF a vei tia TV-a an rawn puan tak kha maw le … engnge a an zui tàk ang aw?

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  12. 62
    Born Spektator Says:


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  13. 63
    mzvision Says:

    I thawh trha lutuk.H1N1 hi khawvel atranga hnen bo tawh kha H3N3 tih vel atrangin a in mutate trha leh a, tunhma kum 65 kalta kha chuan mihring immune system khan a hneh theia tunlai trhangthar kum 65 hnuailam immune system hian a do zawh loh avangin kan buai ta niin an sawi. Hei vang hian a vaccine pawh develop mai a har lo.

    Vaccine awm hma si chuan kan post leh remruata_01 comment ah hian innghat phawt mai ang mi(sual) ho chu tih hi kei misual duhdan ani e. Ka lawme

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  14. 64
    Alejendro Says:

    Innovative masks for couples – Swine Flu


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  15. 65
    North-Man56 Says:

    Remruata &mzvision, in comment hi ka lo la hriat ngai hauhloh mai a ni a, chiang zawkin min rawn post sak thei la ka va ti em. He Virus kawlhrang tak chanchin hi.

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  16. 66
    Alejendro Says:

    These are just some information I got from Dr. Deepak Purohit

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  17. 67
    kanidar Says:

    @alej te i pic khi a OT lutuk :D

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  18. 68
    Alejendro Says:

    Awihawm loh Swine Flu related mask a nih kha :-D

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  19. 69
    funny Says:

    comment a tam toh viau na in ka mail dawn hi kan ron ti ve mai mai ange, a tangkai takin.

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  20. 70
    funny Says:

    H1N1 Precautionary measures:
    Following are some tips which must be taken care of.

    1. Wash your hands with soap before taking your meals.
    2. Avoid going to Malls, Multiplexes, Restaurants or any other
    PUBLIC places.
    3. Whenever you reach home, you should do following:
    1. ADULTS – Gargle with luke warm salt water.
    2. KIDS – Boil water add to it a pinch of salt, some tulsi leaves,
    a pinch of turmeric powder.
    Strain it and Add honey to the mixture before giving
    to your kid.

    4. Start taking a Vitamin C tablet daily, it will increase your immunity.

    I request you all, please start taking these precaustions and prevent
    yourself from Swine flu virus infection, Stay heatly;)


    Tulsi can help keep swine flu away: Ayurvedic experts

    Lucknow: Wonder herb Tulsi can not only keep the dreaded swine flu at bay
    but also help in fast recovery of an affected person, Ayurvedic
    practiotioners claim.

    ” The anti-flu property of Tulsi has been discovered by medical experts
    across the world quite recently.

    Tulsi improves the body’s overall defence mechanism including its ability
    to fight viral diseases. It was successfully used in combating japanese
    Encephalitis and the same theory applies to Swine flu, Dr.U.K.Tiwari, a
    herbal medicine practitioner says.

    Apart from acting as preventive medicine in case of swine flu, Tulsi can
    help the patient recover faster.

    “Even when a person has already affected swine flu, Tulsi can help in
    speeding up the recovery process and also help in strenthering the immune
    system of the body, he claims.

    Dr.Bhupesh patel, a lecturer at Gurarat University, Jamnagar is also of
    the view that Tulsi can play an important role in controlling swine flu.

    This increases the resistance of the body and, thereby, reduces the
    chances of inviting swine flu’ believes Patel.

    On behalf of the Managing Committee of the Kannada Sangha

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  21. 71
    funny Says:

    H1 N1 influenza is a new viral disease other wise called swine flu first
    detected in April 2009 in USA. It is a global disease and already in
    INDIA. It affects primarily younger and older people.

    Symptoms in children: 1) Fever throat pain , cold and cough.
    2) Fast breathing or difficulty in breathing.
    3) Dehydration.
    4) Vomiting.
    5) Body aches.

    Symptoms in adults: 1) Difficulty in breathing.
    2) Chest or Stomach pain.
    3) Giddiness, confusion.
    4) Vomiting.
    5) Flu like symptoms and repeated feverish
    condition and cough.

    It spreads mainly by person to person through infected droplets expelled
    by coughing or sneezing of infected person. The treatment for this H1 N1
    virus is available in INDIA. The drug is Oseltamivir (Tami flu) available
    only at recognized centers in Bangalore. It is used strictly under
    medical supervision.

    The treatment at present is available at:

    01. Rajiv Gandhi Chest Institute Phone No. 2663 2634
    02. Lake side Hospital 2536 6725
    03. Victoria Hospital 2670 3294

    The testing is also done in these centers including NIMHANS where throat
    swab is taken from strongly suspected person for finding Swine flu virus.

    At present, new guidelines from the Central Government is clearly specify
    that only those on international travel history or contact with confirmed
    positive cases need to be quarantined and there throat swab is sent for
    testing, simple merely cough and cold, fever need not rush to
    hospital for checking for swine flu, only if persistent symptom and sore
    throat, high fever, myalgia and breathlessness need to be attended
    immediately. In these cases in doubt it is requested to meet Medical
    Officer at Health Centre. The experts say that swine flu is mild self
    resolving disease and in 98 % cases rest and general treatment is enough
    to recover. H1 N1 flu is not as dangerous as it thought to be it is like
    any other flu and not to be panicky. It is advisable to take following
    precautionary measures.

    There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu.
    There are every day actions that can help to prevent the spread of virus
    that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these every day
    steps to protect your health:

    • First and most important: wash your hands often with soap and
    water, especially after you cough or sneeze;
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth;
    • Try to avoid close contact with sick people;
    • Reduce the time spent in crowded setting if possible;
    • Improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
    • Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating
    nutritious food, and keeping physically active;
    • If you are having flu like symptoms do stay at home for the
    minimum period of one week;
    • Do use tissue paper while coughing or sneezing and throw it

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  22. 72
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    funny, duhthawh angreng si ve a :)

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  23. 73
    remruata_01 Says:

    @North-Man56:-Thanks for read out my comments,here some question and answer for you and public.But,This is only for information purpose.i suggested that you consult a qualified doctor before trying any alternative health care remedies.How worried should you be about the illness?Read our question and answer to find out more about the rare H1N1 influenza virus.

    Q: What is swine flu?
    A: Swine flu is the name being given to the outbreak of the H1N1 influenza virus, which is a mutated virus that has parts of swine, avian and human flus.
    Q. What are the symptoms of swine flu?
    A. Symptoms of swine flu are similar but generally more severe than normal flu: fever, cough,sore throat, nausea & diarrhoea. It’s treated with antiviral drugs.
    It is also the name commonly given to the strain of more common influenza that usually infects pigs.
    Q. Why is it called swine flu?
    A. Swine, as in pig, flu originated from a recombination of pig and human influenza in Mexico, forming a new version of the H1N1 strain.
    Q. Is it ok to eat bacon?
    A. You can’t catch swine flu from eating bacon. The virus is destroyed by cooking. It is spread by contact with live animals or people with the virus.
    Q: How do humans catch it?
    A: While humans do not catch the more common forms of swine flu, this current strain of the H1N1
    virus does infect humans because during mutation it was combined with parts of a human flu virus.
    The original change to the virus is thought to have happened inside a pig, which was then caught by someone in close contact with it in Mexico.But the World Health Organisation has now confirmed this strain of swine flu can spread from human to human, raising fears of a global pandemic.Doctors don’t yet know how easily the virus spreads between people, but experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu – through coughing and sneezing.
    Q: What are the symptoms?
    A: The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of a regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and a sore throat.Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.It may have more severe symptoms in some victims because the virus is so new that it is very unlikely that we will have natural immunity to it.Doctors have found some antiviral drugs to have helped control symptoms with the new form of swine flu, as they prevent the virus from spreading into cells within the body.
    Q: Have humans been infected with swine flu in the past?
    A: Cases of swine flu in humans usually occur after a history of exposure to pigs. For example, direct or close contact with infected pigs.Cases of person-to-person transmission have been previously reported but are rare.
    There have been no cases identified in the UK for at least 10 years.A single case of swine flu was reported in November 2008 in Spain. The person only had mild symptoms.
    Q: Does current medication offer protection against swine flu?
    A: Relenza and Tamiflu are not cures. The drugs lessen the effects of the symptoms, and can mean the difference between life and death in marginal cases.
    Primary Care Trusts are supposed to have a two-week supply, from national stockpiles.
    Q: How dangerous is it?
    A: Thousands of people have been made ill by swine flu – with some cases proving fatal.
    Tests show that the antiviral drugs oseltamavir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza) appear to be effective against the human swine influenza H1N1 strain.
    Q: Should we be worried about it?
    A: No – but we should take sensible precautions. The World Health Organisation has warned that the outbreak has “pandemic potential” and countries have been advised to step up surveillance and preparation in case the infection spreads rapidly.Flu viruses have the ability to change and mutate, making it difficult for drugs manufacturers to ensure effective vaccines are available.
    The new version of the H1N1 virus is a mix of different animal and human versions of the disease. Mixing can lead to the development of changed viruses to which humans have little immunity.
    Q: What is a pandemic?
    A: If the flu spreads over a wide geographic area and affects a large proportion of the population it goes beyond an epidemic and becomes a pandemic.
    According to the Health Protection Agency, an influenza pandemic is defined as a new or novel influenza virus that spreads easily between humans.When new influenza viruses are introduced into the environment, humans do not have any natural immunity to protect against them.
    Therefore, there is a risk that that new influenza viruses could develop into a pandemic, if the virus passes easily from human-to-human.
    Q: What is the doctors’ definition of someone suffering from flu?
    A: You have flu is you have a fever over 38 degrees centigrade and two or more of the following: cough, headache, runny nose, vomiting/diarrhoea.
    Q: Do I need a mask to prevent getting an infection?
    A: Standard issue surgical masks offer little if any protection against the virus. The best advice is to keep your hands clean, wash surfaces regularly and dispose of tissues as they are used.NHS officials are being issued with special masks but these are only effective when used by trained personnel exposed to the virus – other precautions must be taken to prevent infection.
    Q: Can you catch it twice?
    A: Most likely not.
    Q: Can you be a carrier, without actually contracting it yourself.
    A: Yes.
    Q: Does swine flu pose a more serious threat to pregnant women?
    A: All viruses are potentially dangerous to pregnant women as their immune systems are under extra strain – but they should be fine if they eat well and keep up essential minerals.The HPA has advised people to follow general infection control practices and good hygiene to reduce transmission of all viruses.This includes covering their nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, disposing of dirty tissues promptly and carefully, washing hands frequently with soap and water and cleaning surfaces which
    are regularly touched.
    Q: How long does the flu virus survive on surfaces?
    A: The flu virus survives for roughly 24 hours on hard surfaces, two hours on soft surfaces.

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  24. 74
    olterandy Says:

    If i were to choose comment of the year this is one undisputed

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  25. 75
    mkima Says:

    Ringtute tan flu a hlauh awm lo.. tluksual a hlauh awm.

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  26. 76
    Ruga Says:

    Kum 65 chunglam in kan vei thei lo maw…

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