Kum 38 hnuah a hmu leh!

June 19th, 2010 7:55 pm by H.Vangchhia

Kum 1972 daih tawh khan, Harold Voelker-a pickup truck 1956 Ford F-100 chu Los Angeles parking lot atangin mi tu tih hriatloh ten an ruk bo sak a. Kar hmasa mai khan police ten Harold, kum 63 mi chu Modesto, California ah a truck kum 38 liam ta a an ruk bo chu an hmu tih an hriat tir chuan a thawng hle awm e.

California Highway Patrol chuan Modesto a nupa tuak khatin register tuma an rawn keng chu a lo man chhuak ta a ni. Chumi te nupa chuan Texas a an chhungte hnen atanga an neih niin an sawi a, ruk a nih thu reng an hrelo tih an sawi.

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26 Responses to “Kum 38 hnuah a hmu leh!”

  1. 1
    zualbonez Says:

    lawmpui awm zephenath ve

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  2. 2
    Killer shark Says:

    Anva vannei ve aw,kum 38 meuh botawh han hmuh leh chu…
    (ka zepanath hman lo.) :lol:

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  3. 3
    ceeagch Says:

    eng ang truck tak n iang maw!!!a thlalak te paw awm thei se

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  4. 4
    century child Says:

    A mantu te chu an fakawm hle mai,mizoram ni ta se chuan kan uisathiam te hian an man ngut ang emaw chu..te ka tia

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  5. 5
    chhangte_ll Says:

    HV and his ‘Investigative Mizo Brain’. Well…., He had always been bound for the next FBI (Read FBI Head) Post :D

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  6. 6
    Kawnga Says:

    Min rawn man chhuak palh ang aw.. :lol:

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  7. 7
    gothica Says:

    OT- When Henry Vangchhia enters a room, he didn’t switch the lights on.. he switched the dark off.. pa miah2

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  8. 8
    century child Says:

    Ka tran leh ka tran..mipa leh mipa..ha3

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  9. 9
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    ceeagh, #3, hetiang truck hi a nih hmel e:


    gothica, you are right, instead of opening a window, i often opened the close :P :lol:

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  10. 10
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    chhangte_ll, #5, FBI as in…. https://i50.tinypic.com/2edv2ug.jpg

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  11. 11
    ovala ralte Says:

    Sap mi a ho chuan he pickup truck hi a man pangngai aia let thum vel pawn an lei duh leh mai lawng maw?? intih lar nan hrim2 pawn.

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  12. 12
    ninja Says:

    hre mak thei sia

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  13. 13
    muantea Says:

    An va hmu hai em em ve! Sap ram police te chu an rintlak loh hle mai :lol:

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  14. 14
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    muantea thin hi aw :lol:

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  15. 15
    gothica Says:

    OT- what is the quickest way to a man’s heart???
    Henry Vangchhia’s fist

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  16. 16
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    gothica, i guess good conversation and nice food .Angraji ee :)

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  17. 17
    charlottei Says:

    kei ka car tihbo ve cu insuarance in a man min rulh hnu karkhat ah police in an hmu leh. hralh ila pawisa min pek and zat ka hmu kher lo vang. a bo ta kha a pawi lo ah ka ngai mai.

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  18. 18
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    charlottei, car hlui tih bo leh in hlui lam mihring tel lova a kan hi mi thenkhat chuan an vanneih phah thin maithei :)

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  19. 19
    charlottei Says:

    dik chiah, kan thian pakhat pawh a park na ah a motor an chhut sak palha a vanneih phah zawk, ahma a siam ngai pawh an chhut sak hnu ah a siam that phah then mai mawle.

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  20. 20
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Mahse, he pa hi chu a thil tawn ang hi a vang khawpin ka ring alawm mawle. Kum 30 a tlin hmaa mi, kum 63 a nih hnuah a hmu leh ania. :D

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  21. 21
    Magnolia Says:

    Mizoram a bike bo ho hmu let leh thei se a tha ngot ang

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  22. 22
    As_Khiangte Says:

    Record an vawng thra awm hle mai, kum 38 hnuah pawh an lo hre chat thei mai hi mak ka ti khawp mai. Bakah an la maintain thra phian lehnghal a, aaa a tlo pawh a tlo reng reng :P

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  23. 23
    mr.Duhlova Says:

    Pu Hva # Kum 38 hnu-ah chuan, a la tha hle tho a niang maw….in ram kawngte a tha bawk a. Helam chu nise, kum 39 hnuah chuan, workshop ah a ding vung tawh mahna..

    A tharhlak, a lei hlim te a, bo a nilo mai thei bawk….

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  24. 24
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    mr.Duhlova, ka hmelhriat pakhat chuan a Toyota Camry kha 275,000 mel (km ni lovin) a neih hnuah a la khalh. :D A bu ami ang deuh thlap/dealer te advice ang deuh thlap a enkawl chuan a lo tlo thei khawp mai (niin ka hria).

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  25. 25
    chawnghilh Says:

    Bo hmuh leh hrim hrim hi a hlimawm, tereuh te pawh ni se, a bo hi chuan kan senses pangate zinga a engemaw ber kalh hi a kim thei ngai lo fo!

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  26. 26
    lushai_er Says:

    Vawiin chu Chawlhni ani bawk a, ‘Duli bo a bo’ anih chu kan ti ve te’ng! :roll:

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