Thu ho mai mai

June 22nd, 2012 9:30 am by TuaiSialA

1. Tum khat chu search box emaw tiin site sira feed subscribe-naa Subscribe me!-ah khuan ka’n search mai a. Ka zawng hmu lo chiang asin aw… :-P

2. A sira milem anga awm MISUAL.COM GUIDELINES (The M Book) saw a tam zawk chuan chhiar nachang kan hre kher lo maithei. Chuvang chu a niang a update loh em em ni. :-P

3. He kan site-a page 7 awma a page 7-na hi a tangkai lo rei tawh ngei mai an tia. :-P

4. Tu’n lo haw lo se. A sira milem pakhat, Khawnge i awm? inziahnaa hmeichhia saw hrawkbawk nei a ang e… :-P

5. Nick-a (*) awm hi a fair lo reuh lutuk. :-P

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138 Responses to “Thu ho mai mai”

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  1. 101
    chhangteval Says:

    new phek

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  2. 102
    sisen Says:


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  3. 103
    Dr Mahminga Sailo Says:

    100-na a ni em aw..? Teuh lo mai…, 103-na a ni daih.. :-D

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  4. 104
    sisen Says:


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  5. 105
    chhangteval Says:

    An sawi tlai deuh mange aw sisen-a chu (H) (a dik em?)

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  6. 106
    chhangteval Says:

    VANNEI : Thangthleng a kam a, sai a awk!

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  7. 107
    sisen Says:

    Thangchep a kam a, tlangval a awk :P

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  8. 108
    chhangteval Says:

    TuaiSialA : I dam em?
    sisen : aw, dam e

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  9. 109
    century child Says:

    UAU, nuam in va ti veeee, em em. :-)

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  10. 110
    chhangteval Says:

    #century child, nuam kan tih miah loh khi, chhiar nawn leh rawh :-P

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  11. 111
    sisen Says:

    OT :P Chanmari Branch YMA in Musical Drama, YMA General Conf a an rawn show, a tawpa khuallam nen an rawn entirna, “Ka zir peih tawh lo…ka pass awm e mai” tih vel awmna Video kha nei in awm mial em?

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  12. 112
    Dr Mahminga Sailo Says:

    misualdawtkawmar lungawilo, nuar an nih hi… :-D

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  13. 113
    chhangteval Says:

    OT :-P
    Chanmari Branch YMA Musical Drama, a tawpa khuallam nen an rawn entirna, “Ka zir peih tawh lo…ka pass awm e mai” tih vel awmna Video kha nei in awm mial em?

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  14. 114
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Rawtna: A sir banner-a ‘Khawnge i awm?’ tiha hmeichhia khi Miss Aduhi thlalaka thlak ka rawt e. (Y)

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  15. 115
    Dr Mahminga Sailo Says:

    OT miah lovin :-P # 114 Ka thlawp e… :-D

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  16. 116
    chhangteval Says:

    #114 & 115, a ni khawp mai, “Awww ka post!!!” ti tu hi chu Sir Sandman-a thlalak ni ve thung se.

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  17. 117
    sisen Says:

    #114 sapawt ve e :P

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  18. 118
    Tetea Tochhawng Says: first lady thlalak hi paih an phal ka ring lo :D

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  19. 119
    chhangteval Says:

    Rooney nge Sailova hi zaithiam zawk ang le..

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  20. 120
    sisen Says:

    A’n che common lo mai mai khawp a. Thil ti thlap thlap mi a ni ve reng reng bawk a. A nupui neih zanin a nupui malpuiah ribbon a thlung a, chep chatin a’n hawng kherah!

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  21. 121
    chhangteval Says:

    #120, hahaha min ti ‘lol’ nasa lutuk! lolllllllll…

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  22. 122
    TuaiSialA Says:

    Misual First Lady chu tunge? Kan lo hre ve lo reng reng. Nancy hi mi? Nge, mystic?

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  23. 123
    Dr Mahminga Sailo Says:

    #120… :-D

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  24. 124
    chhangteval Says:

    #123… :-D

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  25. 125
    TuaiSialA Says:


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  26. 126
    sisen Says:

    Advertisement :

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  27. 127
    TuaiSialA Says:


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  28. 128
    badboy Says: :-P

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  29. 129
    TuaiSialA Says: :-P

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  30. 130
    lr hlonchhing Says:

    Tha reuh fi ni

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  31. 131
    century child Says:

    #110 a nawm loh dan nuam iti tal ang :-P

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  32. 132
    chhana Says:

    No 4, chu uluk takin ka’n en a; a ang hle tak mai.

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  33. 133
    shailendra Says:

    Admin chu ni ve i la Jewel hming tawpah khian (*) (*) (*) (star 3) ka dah ang… :-P :-P :-P

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  34. 134
    saint sammoo Says:

    ku shai, kei chu Charice..ehhh :-D

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  35. 135
    saint sammoo Says:

    cont.. of..134… hman ni chu an in ka va hmuhpui kha…. :-D

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  36. 136
    saint sammoo Says:

    cont..of..135… ka hrechiang ropui mai sia..a confi. tawh lo msi msi ang chu….haha..

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  37. 137
    TuaiSialA Says:

    @saint, min lo hrilh ve. Ka hre ve duh. :-)

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  38. 138
    shailendra Says:

    inchhui lamah hian ka han kal tha leh dawn emaw ni aw… :-P :-P :-P

    Report this comment

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