Just Google

April 2nd, 2007 2:26 am by TheHumanBot

Unofficial Google song “Just Google” along the lines of “Just beat it” by MJ, written by Seth and Lex Friedman.

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4 Responses to “Just Google”

  1. 1
    Just Google Says:

    […] Just Google […]

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  2. 2
    SiLent_Man Says:

    The bassline nneds to be upped by an octave. basic sequencing error

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  3. 3
    lalparama Says:

    se thiam chiah lo ve o

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  4. 4
    mi(sual).com » Blog Archive » Are you blogging this? Says:

    […] Earlier, we saw Google song “Just Google”. This is one is a song about Web 2.0 and blogging by David Lee King. […]

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