Aw Vanglaini!

September 7th, 2012 9:00 pm by Henry Vangchhia

Hei hi keima thlalak:

Hei hi crop tet leh deuh:

Hei hi Vanglaini September ni 7 a chhuak:

Ka thlalak an ti chingpen em ni dawn tehreng ni hei… angle leh buh invawr nen lam (buh fang pakhat per sang fal deuh nen lam) a inang vek sia, a mak khawp mai! :-o :-s

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163 Responses to “Aw Vanglaini!”

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  1. 151
    Phivawk Says:

    Phek thar kai leh law law teh ang u… :-D

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  2. 152
    Ignatia (33-115 AD) Says:

    ABUSIVE pawh hre hrang duh lo khawpa helaia lo ramsa tlat ngawtte chu a… :-O

    Ni dangah a remchan chuan duah deuhin comment ang.

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  3. 153
    xollie Says:

    Post tha ber ah Chhuaklinga #147 ka vote e. Vote dang tla tur a awm em?

    @HV, ka trang tlat dawn tho. Original ai pawh khan ka tranna ka sawn tha duh lo maithei ania aw.

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  4. 154
    рдпģŤіСHAЩЯ Says:

    ti leh ang

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  5. 155
    ThaiBoy Says:

    He lamah pawh hei chu alo hot hle mai a……:)

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  6. 156
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    ThaiBoy #155 Hot em ni? :) hairehai

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  7. 157
    hnarliana Says:

    USA Mizo ho chu lo inhnial mai mai teh u… :-P

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  8. 158
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Hetiang a siam hnu hi “Thlalatu: Spa Jongte” ti sela ka pawi tih dawn loh nen: :P

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  9. 159
    Mx Says:

    Hahahaa, #158, he pic hian min ti nui nasa lutuk :-D (Y)

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  10. 160
    Candelas Says:

    Sailova chungchangah khan in ti hrep tawh a, tunah in ti leh a, engtikah nge intih leh dawn ?? Duang fel sa thlap tawh ru. :-P :-D

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  11. 161
    H.Vangchhia Says:

    Candelas #160, Shillong i chhuahsan hnuah :-P

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  12. 162
    Henry Vangchhia Says:

    Comment ho ka chiar nawn leh a ka nuih kiah kiah chu. Kumin hian tu emaw chuan Presidential Inauguration a Fire Department aiawh a official duty ve angin alo insawi leh tawh a nih hmel. Hairehai :P

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  13. 163
    เบอร์สวย 5555 Says:

    เบอร์สวย รวย

    Aw Vanglaini! | mi(sual).com

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