Daduhi video album released

December 22nd, 2006 4:49 pm by TheHumanBot

Daduhi released her video album “Daduhi Music Video Collection ”, today the 21st Dec., 2006.

The video album is available for purchase from various musical stores in Mizoram. There are 14 (fourteen) music videos in the album.


All registered visitors get a free download of “Chandamtu pian cham kan thleng leh ta” from Daduhi’s Sikni eng album, which is available at the download section.

Via an email from ‘Official website of Daduhi’

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2 Responses to “Daduhi video album released”

  1. 1
    virgochhas Says:

    FREE! lolzz

    va in reg ve hmiah tur nih chu…


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  2. 2
    virgochhas Says:

    Pu Vanlahruaia Sailo and his family present all
    registered visitors a free download of “Chandamtu pian cham kan thleng leh ta” from Daduhi’s Sikni eng album. Registered visitors can download the song from the download section.

    thring uih bon bottol cube vel a ni


    Madonna website ah ti ve se…lolz…Mr. Guy Richie and his family etc..


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