Sports lovers not aware of govt’s draft sports policy

August 24th, 2007 6:38 pm by cedric


Aizawl Aug 24: In a discussion of how sports could be developed in the state held yesterday by sports lovers from different disciplines at the I&PR auditorium here, the main complaint was that no one was aware that the state government had been drafting a sports policy for use in the state.

The discussion, organized by The Aizawl Post daily paper and Zozam Weekly magazine, saw not only sports lovers participating in the discussion, but also representatives from the political parties.

The participants were very vocal about the lack of attention being paid to sports by the state government and the discussion heated up when the Zoram Nationalist Party representative P.C. Vanlalruata, its youth wing vice-president, held up a copy of the state’s draft sports policy saying it was far from satisfactory.

For most of the participants, it was clear that this was the first time that they state had been in the process of drafting a sports policy and instead of welcoming the move the voices raised were mostly in dissent of the draft policy because sports associations had not been contacted for their suggestions.

Said Mizoram Hockey Association vice president Lalramzauva: “There are a number of sports associations in the state and it is their right to have some contribution to the policy. How can the government just go ahead and draft a sports policy without consulting the sports associations?”

Senior vice-president of the Mizoram Amateur Taekwondo Association Vanlalsawma also spoke up saying asking how it was possible that no one in the sports world knew such a draft had been taken up. “Why are we people swimming in the ocean of sports not consulted?” he questioned.

However, some of the sports association said they knew about the draft but when they tried to give suggestions, they were rejected on grounds that the policy was a ‘confidential matter’ and that there was no question of sports associations becoming involved in the drafting.

The MNF party youth wing general secretary Lalhmachhuana Fanai, as a participant, while explaining that he had been told that the state government is awaiting the Centre to finalize the National Comprehensive Sports policy before bringing out the state’s own policy, said he would bring the attention of his party’s leaders to what had been discussed.

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One Response to “Sports lovers not aware of govt’s draft sports policy”

  1. 1
    IsAiLO Says:

    haha.. kn sorkar ropui tak tih om vel reng a ni.. all corrupt politicians, u suck!! meidilah a sa lai2 ah in eiruk chungchang in la soiho dn nia :)

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