Tlai tla engmawi

September 7th, 2010 4:02 am by lalrotluanga

September ni 2 tlai lam ni tla tur, Khawzawl khawthlang lam tlang a nih hi, a lunglen thlak ka ti riau, ramhuai thlalak ni awm tak hi ka inleng pa a nih hi. Sakawlh ni awm tak a ni.

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35 Responses to “Tlai tla engmawi”

  1. 1
    lalmi5ualpa in heti hian a Says:

    Nalh hlawm lutuk…
    #2 khi mawi em em.
    #3 khi khumchikthei a nih duh hmel :lol:

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  2. 2
    D_auachwgthu Says:

    Het…… ngah nge mi lo khalh a….. :lol: :lol:
    Lalmi5ualpa chu i thlalak an rawn post ani maw….. :lol: :lol:

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  3. 3
    lalmi5ualpa in heti hian a Says:

    Ka en nawn ka en nawn a, ka lung a’n tih len tlat chu le. Nice pics!

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  4. 4
    Lonelyboy Says:

    Zing kar khawvar hma a tlai tla engmawi kan chhiar chu le

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  5. 5
    hiho Says:

    #4 khi.. haha kan in ang. Ruah tla cher2 a .. zing poh tlan theih loh :(

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  6. 6
    wanttostrokemypuppy Says:

    Ava mawi em,Ber thla tlaitla engmawi zet hi chuan lunglen a tizual thin ngawt mai.

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  7. 7
    Tetea Says:

    Mawi hle mai! Buannel ram dai te pawh min ti hrechhuak alawm! :)

    Thumbs up!

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  8. 8
    ChhawnBura Says:

    Mawi khawp mai.

    Reilote online loh chhung pawh hian post hi lo awm hman teuh zel a. Keini ang mi tuan muang, hmanhmawh changa satel tir thin, tan chuan kan comment tha ve hman lo :lol: :lol:

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  9. 9
    paeia Says:

    Zing ni chhuak eng mawi pawh rawn dah leh la maw le

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  10. 10
    Vetehmial Says:

    Zing dar 4 vel a Tlaitla engmawi han tihchhuah tlat mai chu leh…

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  11. 11
    lzboikhar Says:

    Eng camera nge i hman ? mawi hle mai

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  12. 12
    Maisek Says:

    Mawi hle mai, i inleng pa thlalak chu hlauhawm hle tak mai a! :smile:

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  13. 13
    khamrang Says:

    Thinlung leh rilru tihtak zetin mawi ka ti, a romantic raih raih, pic 3 erawh hi chuan min ko lem lo, a gothic lutuk :lol:

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  14. 14
    ZoRawks Says:

    Hei chu a mawi ngei mai. Comment loh ka ui tlat!!!

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  15. 15
    ^-||RaLtE||-^ Says:

    I inleng pa chuan Tlai tla engmawi a va ti bum ve! :lol:

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  16. 16
    nauteii Says:

    3 na khi Taitla engmawi ka ti lo.ka phu zawl mai.

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  17. 17
    Pc-a Says:

    I inlengpa chu Lalbuaia a ni lo maw..? :lol:

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  18. 18
    kawlhawk Says:

    Pic 3 khia’n lung alen ber e! :evil:
    lalmi5ualpa nick thar mai2 chu, va’n idea roh ê… :lol:

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  19. 19
    Benny Says:

    Mawi hlawm khawp mai. A taka khitiang han thlir veng veng mai khi aw…a va han lunglenthlak hrehawm nuam duh em!

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  20. 20
    shailendra Says:

    a hmuhnawm e. Pic 2 khi a tha zual in ka hria. Zing ni chhuak hi chan ve ka tum chang apiangin chhum a zing a, a nih loh pawh in ruah a tla a, chutah mizoram nichhuak a ni lo zui (chawnghilh style takin)… :roll:

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  21. 21
    gothica Says:

    Khamrang… define gothic lolzzz

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  22. 22
    awmawmpuia Says:

    Pic 1 leh 2 hi kei chu a mawi zawk thlan tur ka hrelo, a mawi em em ve ve ani. Lemziakthiam niha khi thlalak entawna han ziah ka chak.

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  23. 23
    MamiPa Says:

    vairampur a awm hi chuan zoram tlaitla engmawi pawh kan lo theihnghilh hman trep alawm,mawi khawp mai..Zothlifim thaw heuh heuh te hi in rawn post thei mai lo maw lung a leng alawm maw le SyenMizo pawh in a thlahlel ngawt ang

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  24. 24
    Emi Says:

    Awiii!!! Pahnihte mawi ti em em in ka en a a pathumna ka hmu phut, ka hlau lutuk. :()

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  25. 25
    Kitty Says:

    Avan mawi in lung avan ti leng ve oo.. Mizoram, Ka Mizoram hi chu lo mawi ngei e

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  26. 26
    gothica Says:

    3rd pic “ava chhe lo” tih chu awm lo… “ka hlau lutuk” te antia lolzzz @lalrotluanga… i thianpa khian comments a chhiar ve awm sia, amah hian za lo deuh2 hian a lo nui lo maw? lolzzz NOI

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  27. 27
    Lily_parmawia Says:

    3rd pic khi hmelhriat ava ang ve le :roll:

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  28. 28
    XaiA Says:

    Mawi khawp mai.Pic.# 1 khi a in hmeh chawhchawrawi mawi tawk hle in ka hria.
    He tiang pawh hian a la nalh zual in ka hria bawk…

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  29. 29
    Jewel Says:

    Eh XaiA, va dek ve :D

    Nalh hlom ltk :D

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  30. 30
    Lily_parmawia Says:

    @28 Pu Xaia,

    I pikchar te i trik thrin vang aniang a mawi theih em em. Orizinal kan duuuuuhh…… :P

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  31. 31
    XaiA Says:

    Pic. nalh sa lo chu a modify nalh theih chuang loh,chuan khi chuan mi hneh riau a,kan risk kual a nih khi :!: NOI.

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  32. 32
    RosangaD Says:

    Khawzawl atanga ni tla tur chu ava han eng trek trek ve. Reiek tlang nitla hi hetiang em em a a eng pawh ka la hmu lo.
    Pu Xaia, chu rawn bei nalh hle mai. A no dan a tawk chiah ka ti

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  33. 33
    lalrotluanga Says:

    Khawzawl atanga ni tla tur hi Reiek tlang aia a en em em bik pawh ka hre bik lova, a eng tek tek bia i ngei a nih chuan le Reiek ai chuan a sa deuh dawn tihna ni mai

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  34. 34
    MamiPa Says:

    Pic.3 khi a va hmeltha teh ver ve,a keu phek mai.heeee…..

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  35. 35
    RosangaD Says:

    Eng (yellow) ka tihna nia, kalo ngaihtuah tawi deuh ani ka chhut laiin

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